A parasite, you say?
A parasite, you say?
This guy from Peewee’s Big Adventure. I figure because of a bit of resemblance to Vance.
But… It’s your post taking about negativity, so you’re saying your post about negativity on Lemmy is evidence of negativity on Lemmy? Or the fact the current vote count is negative?
Huh. Maybe it’s the communities/posts I’ve visited but I wouldn’t agree with your assessment of an inherent negativity/hatefulness. Do you have examples we can discuss?
I love that they’re located in Gary.
My kids termed that cinnamon bunning. :D
Nauru is all sorts of fucked up because of their history as a colony leading into mass extraction of their natural resource then leading to them doing a lot of shady shit to maintain their solvency. Granted this is a little bit old now so I may be out of date and I’m no geopolitical expert.
I found the mind share that Apple enjoys makes this kind of inverted when things don’t run right on OSX or iOS whereas android is more in the Windows boat.
Is it ever specified of the wine Jesus makes is good wine?
Stay safe.
Well, there existed phones that were kind of what smartphones became. Blackberries and Palms get a lot of the attention as they were what executives used, but there were also PocketPC devices that were usually white label manufactured HTC devices that were branded after carriers or some other company like HP. They generally were much larger screened devices with a few buttons at the bottom. They were resistive touchscreens so using your fingers was pretty meh for responsiveness, and the UI was just not designed in a way that was pleasant to navigate. Picture a shrunk down desktop interface. I’d say the UI was the biggest shakeup that they did in the product category, followed by steadily raising the bar for hardware in a space that often would have cheap plastic components. Don’t get me wrong, I think too much glass and aluminum is actually poorer than something like kevlar especially for dents and dings, but it doesn’t look nearly as sexy.
Super Ted! My wife and I loved that when each of us were little. It’s one of those things that we’ve found that most people here in the States don’t know about but we have in common.
Is that a rhetorical question? I’ve had a few Apple products mostly in the past or issued to me from when, but I prefer android even when it can be disappointing to me sometimes. Was launching into nandroid via Haret when Windows Mobile devices were a thing too. I don’t prefer Apple stuff but whether it be sincere or perhaps theatrics, it seems like you’ve got an unnecessary and over aggressive revulsion towards them.
It’s interesting you mention Apple because while I have every expectation that you’re correct at the moment, the iPod absolutely benefited from piracy. iTunes allowed you to add your own songs to your library to sync with the device, and iTunes could also be argued to have been on a similar model to Steam because you’d pay to ‘own’ the songs and there was no subscription giving you access to songs.
Hell yes to Prydain but I’m not sure who would do it. I’m sure Disney associates it with their dark time in animation.
I have two thirds of a name shared with a famous actress. It used to bug me that people would call it out all the time, and for a short period of time I even considered going by my middle name instead of my first name. Around the time I got married and people shifted the third part of the actress’s name to a verb I started to warm up to it, and nowadays I mostly consider it a bit of built-in name recognition and mnemonic for people remembering my name.
I wish they took the neolithic era from Humankind. That’s such a cool super early game element to the game rather than ‘settle your first city ASAP or you’re screwed’.