Fucking Microsoft and changing the 365 portal again.
Fucking Microsoft and changing the name of a service offering again
Lol… If I had 5 bucks for every time I’ve heard or said “fucking Microsoft” in my life 😂
The only reason Microsoft has any business at all is that no matter what kind of a shit show they cause, no one ever got fired for going with Microsoft.
Azure AD is now Entra?? Dafuq?
That is the one I am not going to complain about. Azure AD was the wrong name.
For anyone else who can relate, I found that this site is clutch for getting around the different portals:
“Is that logo vector?”
Uh, I don’t know what that means, but I want it the size of a billboard.
Put it up and we’ll find out.
The billboard:
Narrator: It wasn’t.
Ha, as a large format, but not quite so large, printer dude I’m dying.
I need it 66 inches, 20k .jpg
Oh man. The number of tiny raster logos from the corners of web pages I was sent to etch on a wall-sized sign.
“It’s always DNS.”
Is it patch Tuesday again already?
It’s not a networks issue.
Sand, sand, and sand some more. When you think you are done sanding, sand some more.
McDojo karate instruction?
Can you believe what unity just did?
Garbage in is garbage out
This is true for a lot of fields, but I’m going to take a guess you’re working with machine learning?
I like to keep my professional life separate, but you’re not far off. It’s definitely data related yea :)
Always grease your stern gland, it’ll save your life one day
One particle of unobtanium has a nuclear reaction with the flux capacitor, carry the two, changing its atomic isotope into a radioactive spider. Fuck you science!
After a certain point, DOM diffing just hurts performance. And I really just don’t see the point in a virtual DOM in 2023.
This is pretty Solid.
Tried to lace a hyzer flip through the gap, but turned it over… would have ended up in the shul but caught a good kick and landed in the circle!
Then you chained out on the AM side didn’t you?
Isn’t IBM documentation the worst?
A level 0 master scheduled part is a form of blow-through part that forecasts at a high level among products of a similar design and can be disaggregated to level 1 and netted against actual demands to yield supply proposals within the planning time fence.
It’s not just about the p-value being more than 95%, the power also needs to be above 80% and we need to have run for at least a business cycle.
Controller wanted 180 knots until 4 miles final. Sent him a resounding „unable“ back. Not my fault if he can’t manage his separations.
I love it when I get to grab firm jugs with both hands
And a side effect of