low marimba
with bass boost/treble reduction is even better
Light rain on leaves
Crashing waves at the beach. Seagulls are little assholes but they add to the effect for me
Even assholes have their place and used
The gentle thrum of a Federation starship’s warp core.
I had MP3 tracks for my car dedicated to this sound effect (both Enterprise and Voyager). With the subs, you could really feel it. Very soothing.
Locally, indoors? Silence.
I like to be able to hear whatever is going on outside. Ideally, that would also be silence, but if something is going on outside, I like to be alert and aware of it.
I’ll also take a little rain and occasional thunder outside, as usually people aren’t acting a fool outside during rainy weather.
Based schizo
A babbling brook.
Partner’s giggle
Wind blowing though pine trees.
I have this memory from when I was a kid. I was standing in the middle of the woods at my grandparents, watching big fluffy snow flakes fall around me. The only sound I could hear was a light breeze blowing through the pine trees. I don’t know why but it almost felt magical. To this day I still love that sound.
I can’t decide, there are too many:
Mongolian throat singing with little to no instruments.
The sound of a plane cabin (I think its brown or pink noise)
The fire crackling of a fire place or furnace.
Ocean waves or waterfall or river noise.
Slowly and softly played piano.
A stew slowly cooking.
Sound of gentle brushing your head hair.
I feel like the plane cabin one is more green noise
Stew cooking one is great, check out magma too
The sonic charges in Star Wars Episode II
Was so happy they brought those back for BoBF
my favorite asmr triggers are tapping, scratching, wood, and slime
White noise of a fan. I always have one on when sleeping so hearing that sound reminds me of a cozy nap.
Moderate rain and distant thunder.
The sound of snow.
The save room music in resident evil 4.
Jokes aside my most relaxing sound is heavy rain on a tin roof. Followed by cats purring.
The sound of rain on a tent mixed with a crackling fire, very relaxing.