FCC details plan to restore the net neutrality rules repealed by Ajit Pai::Democrats finally have 3-2 majority needed to regulate ISPs as common carriers.
I’m sick of this back and forth can kicking. We need a fucking law.
A few more election cycles and boomers will finally be outnumbered.
If we can fix some gerrymanders it’ll go a long way also
Like the shitshow that is the maps in WI, which will head to the (now) liberal controlled state Supreme Court.
Takes 60 votes in the US Senate to beat the filibuster. Republicans will not provide the 9 votes needed.
We can still throw rocks at ajit pai if we see him thought, right?
I think that is written into the Geneva conventions.
You sons of bitchesWe’ll have to get rid of some conservatives in congress first. Conservatives (and some neo-liberals) rake in legal bribes from ISP’s and are also champing at the bit to control all forms of communication.
Conservatism is a plague of oppression and corruption.
I’m really glad this is being done, I just hope that it has teeth. It’s going to be very annoying when the next regime from across the aisle tries to repeal the rules again. I assume there’s not an easy way to make these rules permanent. I’m happy to be wrong about that though.
There would be if we had a government focused on consumer protections. Instead we have a House too busy kicking itself in the dick to make laws, and even if they did, the laws would probably PREVENT the FCC from making Net Neutrality rules.
A shit pie.
Remember that absolutely fucking stupid ad Ajit made about using the net? Awful.
In all seriousness, what has having these laws repealed done? I’m asking because I don’t know.
Why did this not happen earlier? It seems there is some intentional delay for political purposes.
The 5th member was only just appointed earlier this month. So, they only just now have a majority. At least, that’s my understanding.
Confirmed by the Senate. Republicans have been holding up the confirmation for quite some time. Biden nominated Anna Gomez in March of this year (link) and she was only confirmed by the Senate in early September.
Thanks. The latest delays seem to be intentional from the republicans. But march 2023 seems like far too long since January 2021. Does anyone know what happened in 2021 and 2022? I would not be surprised if it’s because of republicans again but I don’t know.
Anna Gomez is the second nominee. The first nominee got tired of waiting for confirmation.
Yea i looked it up and it does seem like they have been trying to make this happen all this time.
Not to mention the previous candidate, Gigi Sohn, rescinded their request after their delays
Republicans stalled until now.
Literally can’t live without the internet these days. It needs to be a protected utility like any other.
The article mentions CA still enforcing net neutrality rules. How does that work? Eventually you have to hop outside the state for many services… are those backbones required to abide by those rules or can they still throttle as a result being out of state?
I firmly believe in all data being treated equally for the record and I hope this gets fixed. ISPs were kind of slow on throttling but it’s becoming more and more obvious in the last couple years in my experience.
Couldn’t they have done it earlier ? instead of waiting until the elections ?
No. The Republicans have stalled confirming a replacement until just now. Up until now the committee has been dead locked with 2 Democrats and two Republicans.
Most internet companies are screwy specifically because the government helped them become regional monopolies in the first place. This will make internet more expensive and worse. What is this even trying to solve? You can get fast internet in middle of nowehere Montana with Starlink at $120/month right now.
Yeah, I remember when my internet service got cheaper after Net Neutrality was repealed.
What did happen when it was repealed?