Unrwa has been caught paying teachers to teach gazN children to hate israel. They had to fire 6-7 recently because they caught them on video.
Unrwa has been caught paying teachers to teach gazN children to hate israel. They had to fire 6-7 recently because they caught them on video.
Can’t this be solved by updating requirements to allow vehicle sales?
I guess that you are also against germany deporting antisemites.
I honestly think every country should do this. at least make them sign an agreement stating they will not advocate for hate or violence against residents of the nation or face deportation.
Edit by this I don’t mean copy russian values and their definition of allegiance but rather something consistent with the nations values
I don’t see any problem with removig car dealers. Just phase out of existence no one will miss them.
paraphrasing churchill, capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others we have tried before it.
I already made it clear on my answer but I’m not surprised you missed it. it’s pretty disingenuous to ask something like that and disrespectful for those who had to suffer it. it’s well documented so if you want to know you just need to stop covering your ears.
I think that’s the type of reasoning that leads to communism and famines. Politicians are known to steal agenda items from the other side. I think it’s really stupid to oppose good measures just because they are not coming from your tribe.
what about banning crimes? wouldn’t making crimes illegal solve all our problems?
So they can decide what’s good for your body except for abortions? It’s incredible how people values are so fluid. They might as well say that everything the right does is evil and wrong.
I hope they put some failsafe so that it cannot take action if the estimated casualties puts humans below a minimum viable population.
why limit yourself when you can get a paycheck and enjoy your job at the same time? consider how many hours of your life you spend at work.
I think it’s likely a nation state. the gay furry claim is just a distraction.
Can you even afford a car? I somehow doubt it. you have that typical attitude of wanting to ban the things that are outside your reach.
If their values are incompatible and they are inflexible they made a mistake and should relocate.
That’s the usual sentiment in social media comments but in reality most people don’t behave this way. We need to live in the real world if we want to change it. Living a delusion and expecting others to support it is not going to help in reality.
I mean until recently more people used to die in car accidents than by gunfire. It was the leading cause for kids. I am not advocating for lack of concern. But making cars less useful it’s not a solution since people still have to commute long distances in some countries. You have to weigh the benefits against the costs. If you believe that pedestrians should always be prioritized then you should be advocating for a complete ban on cars
It will help with pedestrian accidents but it will also be terrible for driving since you cannot reduce the distance between cities/commute length
It’s the reverse. Companies get in trouble for agreeing to not poach employees from each other.
I my opinion this place has been taken over by the far leftists. I blocked worldnews because the mods delete inconvenient sorced facts from discussions. Even if that’s all the comment has.
People will also assume you are a fascist if you don’t react with the same outrage they claim to have even if you never disagreed or commented against their opinion. That’s a strong sign of radicalization since they see anyone that’s not exactly like them as an enemy. It’s quite ironic.