Sophia Rosing was banned from the University of Kentucky campus after the incident
A college student who went on a drunken tirade using the n-word 200 times will now head to jail for a year.
Sophia Rosing, a former student at the University of Kentucky, became infamous in 2022 for her rant that was captured on video and shared on social media. In the video, Rosing was caught using the slur at a fellow student and assaulting her.
Rosing previously pleaded guilty to four counts of fourth-degree assault and other charges. When she entered her plea, she apologized to fellow student Kylah Spring and members of the Black community.
This week, a judge in Kentucky sentenced Rosing to 12 months in custody and 100 hours of community service, according to Lex 18.
In the infamous video Spring said that Rosing struck her numerous times and kicked her in the stomach. As Spring is explaining what happened to her, Rosing can be heard yelling at her in the background, calling the Black student the n-word and a “b****” throughout the footage.
Watch her get out in a year and be invited to go on the Republican lecture circuit to talk about how woke politics is ruining American college campuses.
This isn’t a joke, I seriously think this will happen.
She’s pretty and blond and an idiot. She’ll be on Fox News as a host shortly after.
At this point, i genuinely trust that could be a realistic outcome. That episode may have been her very own Rittenhouse Moment™ putting her on conservative radars across the country
!remindme 1 year
(we need this bot! I have no programming knowledge or skills but I’m going to make this happen one way or another)
there is a way:
@[email protected] 1 year
I don’t see anything… Does it work?
yes, you get a PM from the bot :-)
It should just post a reply and offer a link for people to also subscribe to the same reminder. But I’m not complaining, just talking in ideal scenarios
I would imagine that is her plan all along
Interesting that the Independent made sure to mention that this student was drunk not once, but twice, as if that were an excuse.
No one says that word when drunk if they wouldn’t be willing to say it out loud in certain company.
Her being drunk is relevant to reporting the truth. They’re not excusing her actions but giving context. As you pointed out, she may never have said these slurs in her open life, but she was probably thinking them and alcohol greased the wheels on her racism.
Mentioning it once is relevant. Mentioning it twice is trying to use it as an excuse.
Talk about White Washing a story.
I think you may be forgetting that if you’re drunk, the consequences can’t get you.
Ah, but the rhythm will get you. Tonight.
That’s true. Good point.
Anyone else getting serious larval-stage-Marjorie-Taylor-Greene vibes from this mug shot or just me?
Marjorie Taylor Tweene
*yellow card*
Hey you leave them out of this. Ocean Avenue is a treasure.
I’m reminded of the “Asians in the library” chick from like 10 years ago or something.
more Lauren Southern
I’m very confused here. She is white, pretty, and went before a Kentucky Judge. How was she sentenced to anything?
How rich is her father?
You’re asking the right questions. Not rich enough, apparently
I guess he was rich enough for 150 slurs, but she had to cross the limit.
Regardless, I would put good money on her being in a sorority.
Soon to be a member of KCI, Kentucky Correctional Institution
That’s a bingo
3 words: national media attention
How was this not elevated to a hate crime? That sentance is weak sauce for a racially motivated attack
It’s hard not to just be blunt here. She’s a white girl. Sentencing guidelines and police protocols are different for people matching that description. It’s a known, researched phenomenon.
It’s not unreasonable to say that the police work for non-impoverished, non-overweight white women. It’s noticeable in how quick white women are to call the police and think the police will help with a problem.
Statistically, you are roughly about 1000% more likely to experience police violence if you are not a white woman.
It’s not really for being a white girl, it’s primarily for being a girl.
Women get 63% lighter sentences for the same crimes as men ( ), while there is no racial gap between white and another race, whether among men, or women, that’s even half that wide ( ).
The first article doesn’t primarily address racial disparities within the context of gender. The second one, which does, notes pronounced leniency for white women vs. women of other races. As a woman, you are between 12-30% less likely to receive probation instead of incarceration if you aren’t white. Where things were roughly equal is if you are being incarcerated, which is more likely if you’re not white as noted above, you are likely to get a roughly equivalent period of incarceration for an equivalent crime. All of these outcomes will be significantly worse if you’re a man.
None of that contradicts the simple point I made, which is that being a woman instead of a man is a vastly larger advantage in the US with respect to judicial leniency, than being white instead of another race, and yet certain biased people always seem to want to imply/argue that the latter is the primary factor, when it isn’t.
As an analogy, it’s kind of like how when people are talking about rape, discourse is typically more likely to center on ‘jumped in a dark alley’ type scenarios, even though the fact is that that is literally the least common way rape happens, and that statistically, it’s very rare for the assailant to be a stranger to the victim.
I was just clarifying for others where you said that sentencing isn’t harsher for women of color, which isn’t true for sentencing in general, only for sentences involving incarceration, which non-white women are more likely to receive.
you said that sentencing isn’t harsher for women of color
Literally never said that. I just pointed out that being the ‘wrong’ sex hurts you more than being the ‘wrong’ race.
White men get sentenced much more harshly than black women for the same crime, for example. That’s a fact.
Can you now address their bizarre assertion that the police only work for slim people?
Most broader social biases translate into higher rates of police violence, albeit not always evenly. Weight bias in society is a fairly well-established phenomenon. It translating into an increased risk of police violence hardly seems a stretch.
Your best chance of a low-risk encounter with the police and a favorable outcome in the justice system is to be a slim, upper-middle-class, college-educated white woman. If you only get to choose one, as the commenter above noted, choose woman.
That is apparently determined at sentencing in Kentucky.
So blame the judge.
However, Spring said after the plea hearing that she did not believe Rosing was remorseful.
Yeah, I can look at that mugshot and tell she’s not. Glad (and surprised) she got actual punishment.
Edit: I’m making the assumption that’s the reflection of a bright orange jumper I see at the bottom of the photo, and the typical blandly colored cinderblock wall in the background.
That is the sort of smug little smirk that says, “that n- deserved what she got.” No remorse at all.
The smug satisfaction of someone who knows she has a career as a Fox News anchor or Repub politician on lock.
It’s like 4 minutes of straight up repeating the n-word. Besides her racism, how fucked up she was to vomit out that long of a manifesto?
Maybe it’s like coprolalia, only IRL I’ve only met people inserting “бля епты” instead of pauses, sometimes f-words.
Да даже пусть она использовала н-ворд как междометие перед каждым словом, либо она стремилась к достижению мирового рекорда, либо она не фильтровала базар зачитывая целый получасовой спич. Я не вижу как она могла кидать предъявы и накинуть 200 таких слов в процессе. В любом случае, говно она а не человек и я её сорт на вкус определять не вызвусь.
Who counted the N words
Hopefully lawyers that can fine her separately for each and every one.
can you get fined for saying a word in a country with the first amendment? how dumb is this even if what she did was wrong its not illegal to say the N word. The assault however she should get in legal trouble for.
The N word proves it was racially motivated.
Probably not, but I would love to see this somehow turned into part of the assault since that barrier was broken here thus making her actions criminal.
I don’t know but they beat me to it.
I suppose it might have been videoed.
200 times?
Over the course of 10 minutes. That means she said it about every 3 seconds…
I’ll never get the American mindset which considers “used the n-word 200 times” the main offense, the one worthy to be in the headline, while “struck her numerous times and kicked her in the stomach” is just a minor detail that happens to be mentioned somewhere in the article as an afterthought.
It also only serves to continue fueling the polarization of the right. They point and say “See! They will put you in jail simply for saying words!” And since many don’t bother to open the article, it spreads and spreads and fuels their fear factory.
It feels like “responsible journalism” is a thing of the past in the face of appeasing the Algorithm.
All that hideousness and just gets a year of jail and 100 hours of community service. Fucking Kentucky pantywaist conservative judge.
This is “higher” education in US?
Clearly there is a problem at the primary level.
They’re all just different tiers of parasitic businesses, intent on sucking up taxpayer funds to feed their bloated administrative staff. The “education” is secondary to revenue streams, and has been for decades.
She basically got off without any real punishment.
She got expelled, has no degree, and will be found out for life when applying for work. Jail time is the least of her concerns.
Lol i don’t think people under stood the concept of In vino Veritas whoever doenvoted you. I think they thought you were implying the message of the woman yelling removed 200 times was the “hidden truth” and not that the hidding truth being that drunkyMcdrunk face being super fuckin racist is the actual underlying truth you are nodding to.