I’ll post the answer tomorrow.

  • angrystego@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m sorry you were downvoted, your experience is as valid as anyone else’s. I think it just means the downvoting people have cats who enjoy bellyrubs, which is actually kind of nice to think about. Great to hear from another cat person and rescue adopter!

    • Cihta@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Thanks, you made me feel better! And it’s nice to know some cats enjoy belly rubs and won’t tear you apart for it.

      I worked with big cats for a bit so maybe I’m just cautious but I’ve spilled blood too many times for touching the belly. Only rescue I took in that was a skeleton yet somehow pregnant likes it. I gave her kittens good homes after they were old enough to be fixed and in one case a 18hrr drive.

      As much as the last rescue would like to come in he stays outside but has the garage. It’s on purpose because I’m a sucker and can’t save them all and he defends the territory. He vanished for 6 weeks and showed back up with a clipped ear and no “package”. City thing I guess but 6 weeks? I wish i could hear that story. Sorry for the unrequested story but he deserves to be logged in internet history. His name is Vibe.

      • angrystego@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Oh, you do have very interesting and varied cat experiences! Is there any chance of a Vibe cat-tax? It would be nice to support his internet log with a picture :)

        • Cihta@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I don’t know how to add a pic here which is too bad as he was a super cute kitten. He turned into an ugly cat but I don’t hold it against him.


          Sorry, still learning this platform.

          • angrystego@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Aww, I can see the picture! He’s a super handsome cat with a super derpy expression :) Thanks and please send scritches from me!

            • Cihta@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Well that is certainly neat how easy it is to add an inline image.

              He came passing through one day after I finished mowing the lawn about 3 yrs ago. He was navigating the sprinklers and eating bugs. Pretty pathetic. I couldn’t get near him but I went and got some meow mix. I’d never feed my cats this unless emergency as it seems to be like cotton candy or something to them so I exploited that and in a few days I got to pet him.

              Was like petting a skeleton. I let him in but could tell that wasn’t gonna fly with my other 2. So I installed a cat door so he could access the garage. I’m not sure he’s very bright as it was exhausting getting him to figure out he could simply walk through it. He’s been around ever since aside from those mysterious 6 weeks.

              He’s not handsome anymore but he’s cool. I’ll give him some scritches as you requested, just not on the belly! Like another rescue he forgets that he is safe now and instincts take over when touched the wrong way. Thanks for listening to my dumb cat story!

              • angrystego@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I love cat stories with good endings like this one. I also have a rescue at home. She was found in a street being very skinny and telling everyone how hungry she was (she’s very vocal). The doctor who did the basic necessary treatment and who fixed her said her age was about 3 years, but she was rather small and very very naive at that time, so I’m pretty sure she was no more than a year old.

                Her youth probably helped her to adapt to mostly indoor life. She still tends to eat too much too quickly, so I leave a spoon in her bowl to make it more difficult for her to suck in everything in 3 seconds and then throw it up.

                At first her belly was 100% a trap, but now, 4 years later, she’s quite fond of belly rubbing.

                • Cihta@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  That’s great you rescued her. And if you can rub the belly that means 100% trust. Not that mine don’t trust me… some just don’t like it. One of mine does, the other gets confused and flips over so I rub topside and the other nutcase just seems to find great amusement in setting a trap.

                  Interesting about the food. Mine won’t tolerate a low food bowl… they get super nutty when that happens. My primary 2 share an always full of healthy food bowl. While they eat the same amounts one is super skinny and the other obese. It would be impossible to try and separate their diets so as long as they are active, healthy and happy I see no reason to change it up. But I’m noting the spoon trick if it should ever be needed!

                  I hope your rescue brings you happiness for your efforts. :) I’ve always found cats complex and often annoying but they have a way of being quite loving… when It suits them anyway.