Goodbye, sweet prince
There’s a pretty good amount of people still using it, it seems.
I feel pretty comfortable saying that was the last good one, perhaps the best one, and it’s been downhill ever since.
Yep, I’ve said this before.
Windows 7 was the last great OS by microsoft.
It was light enough to not be a bother on even used hardware.
It was exceedingly stable and didnt need regular reformat and reinstalls like all previous windows OS’s.
Didnt need to be constantly rebooted every time you exited a big task like previous Windows.
and you were able to do pretty much anything on it easily and without much fuss.
and, outside of like driver installs, the OS pretty much stayed out of your way.
It was brilliant. It was the best.
It was the peak of the curve. 3.11/95/98/ME/NT/XP all built up to 7, and 8/10/11 are all falling further and further away from 7.
The only reason to get rid of windows 7 is that there was no further way to monetize it since it had pretty good market saturation. If it wasnt for that Win7 would probably be the default OS for another 10+ years.
How badly did Vista hurt you?
That and ME is a huge dip in that curve.
There’s the RAM limit that would need addressing. Also UEFI struggles with the Windows 7 splash screen, but that could be replaced with a simpler logo.
I dont want to do the whole “640K ought to be enough for anybody”, but I cant imagine most home users, average and production, hitting the ram limit of windows 7 which is like 200gb or there abouts.
I would think anyone running loads that would require that much are probably running linux, like servers and such.
but even so, I’m sure it could have been expanded if there was an actual need.
Oh, I didn’t realize Pro and beyond had such higher ram limits compared to home, til.
2000 is a huge omission from that list. Windows 2000 on the NT kernel is really what solidified modern Windows.
8.1 was a gem
Lol, don’t forget to add /s, so people will understand your sarcasm!
8 was horrible, 8.1 was fine. 10 wasn’t great but got better. 11 was and is bad.
It hasn’t been steadily downhill. There was a plunge downwards with Windows 8, then 8.1 recovered a little and 10 more, before Windows 11 undid the gains.
Win 11 has as many wins as blunders
Well, I used to be quite positive about Windows 11. The WSL thing is cool, being able to use bash and Linux tools. The hypervisor thing is cool, enabling fast virtual machines. And the styling is all round better than any previous Windows at least since Windows 7. But then I’ve had systems broken by updates more than once recently, everything feels slow, applications hang all the time, the Start menu still doesn’t work, even opening File Explorer leaves me wondering whether it noticed my mouse click, I have to fight it to create a local user account instead of a Microsoft account, fight it to avoid unwanted tracking, fight it to stop the ads popping up in all kinds of corners by running a network-wide DNS filter which reports huge amounts of requests to Microsoft telemetry domains, fight it to make sure file don’t end up in OneDrive, and it still can’t handle USB sticks reliably, it still steals focus constantly from wherever I’m typing, there are far too many services eating up resources, and so on.
It’s just constant low-level frustration that I just don’t have with other operating systems, because Microsoft has cut out QA and spent years prioritizing marketing strategies, gimmicks and cosmetics instead of improving the things that matter to users.
As far as the performance issues go, I’ve experienced a lot of those when I first upgraded from 10 to 11. After reinstalling though, the performance has been amazing.
I hate all of the constant advertising of MS products and services, especially in the case of Edge, because so many of those products are genuinely amazing, and people won’t give them a chance because it’s shoved down their throats.
I agree that it gets bogged down and needs a reinstall sometimes. But after I recently installed it on a new machine that also has Linux, Windows 11 still feels comparatively slow. I get the impression that even out of the box it has too much baggage and unoptimized code. Edge is fast though, and a perfectly good browser. Edge even runs on Linux too, which is surprising.
Edge is just chrome…
XP was a whopping 29% at EOL which is impressive to me that 7 is only 3%. But it makes sense that 10 has such a large market share since it was free and ran on (almost) everything that ran 7.
I think a large part of it is how most of the machines that could run 7 can run everything after 7 (maybe just need more RAM), but many many MANY machines running XP couldn’t move forward because the CPU or the integrated graphics just couldn’t take it.
My hard drive couldn’t take all the background shit in 10, it would literally stutter scanning my files. When I tried to disable the anti-virus and it told me “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that”
I’m not trying to judge, but you installed and ran a modern operating system on a spinning platter drive?
I had to switch to SSDs in 2016 because macOS was dragging hard on a Pro notebook.
My old laptop doesn’t have an M.2 slot
It ran fast enough in windows 8 and linux. It only became unbearable on windows 10
And XP was 32 bit only, it was really an updated version of Win2k, which was really rock solid.
Which kind of supports your point.
Wish I could upvote you for your username! Haha
There’s nothing stopping you.
I already upvoted for the comment, I’m out of upvotes!
They told me Windows 10 was the last Windows and I intend to make them fulfill that promise. And when I fail to make them fulfill their promise, I will keep it for myself.
/sigh at this point i feel like “that guy” but M$ didnt say 10 would be the last Microsoft, a specific employee said it in a specific situation, that in context was pretty obviously “latest” and not “final”.
The internet just took that one line and ran with it, as they are known to do.
/sigh, I barely use it, and when I do, it pisses me off. I’ll try to remember this anyway, thanks.
Just in time to switch to Linux for me. Now that all my games run on Linux that will be the logical choice
Win10 is the last windows. Defang it and put it in a VM. Still a better UI than the competition although KDE plasma is getting close, dolphin is very nice
KDE these days is better at being Windows than Windows. Dunno how long it’s been since you’ve used it (or how much/little you tinkered with it)
I tried it last week. It looks and feel great. But it’s missing a lot of software that I want and many things are in the wrong place. Maybe when they add seamless network transparency to Wayland and I can just stream the applications that I want.
That’s just because you’ve been raised on it.
Yes, I will not retrain my muscle memory plus the incessant fucking around in console to do basic things like search files. I want everything, irfanview, alt-snap, , explorer patcher features, consistent dark themes, ditto clipboard manager, fancyZone, xmousebuttoncontrol. Exactly identical, I’m staying on defanged win10 until then
I feel Microsoft is in for a huge surprise when they end support for all versions of Windows except one that requires you to throw out your old hardware. At the same time, Linux is better than it’s ever been and is almost, if not just as easy to use as Windows. Not to mention, most work is done from a browser these days.
I have a ton of application issues with Linux, so I have a dual boot.
What you mean ended? It was just released the other day…
That was like two decades ago.
There was official support for Windows 7?
Only the embedded variety meant to run on machines like ATMs, POS systems and other long term support machines.
Well, plus all the other versions too, but embedded especially in this case
Wait, just now?
Then why did I read online that it was insecure as hell to stay in Windows 8.1? (I was setting up an old lap for a mom’s friend, with 4 painful GBs of RAM).
Also, doesn’t Windows 10 support supposedly end next year?
I think I am not getting the kind of support that Windows provides.
Funnily, Windows 7 ended up with longer support than Windows 8.
Peice of shit ready?
Point of Sale Ready… PoS properly describes every single one of those softwares.
I can’t believe I haven’t turned off recall on my latest computer. I need to harden it already… and make my transition to linux.
Recall is opt in now though and iirc you also need an ARM computer with some very specific processor to be able to use it at all.
Huh. And here I thought, Piece Of Shit Ready required at least Windows 10.