In their effort to “exert total control” over religion and to “sinicise” Catholic and Protestant Christianity, the authorities have “ordered the removal of crosses from churches [and] replaced images of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary with pictures of President Xi Jinping,” the report said.
The report concluded that “every facet of religious life for Buddhists, Catholics and Protestant Christians, Muslims, and Taoists” was facing pressure to incorporate CCP ideology, and religious elements considered contradictory to the state’s political agenda were being eradicated.
the spectre of communism immaculately impregnated mao, who gave birth to xi.
The holy Xinity
the father son and holy ghost
The father, the son, the Winnie the Pooh.
Hey, finally, a religion tankies are comfortable with!
she came into the manger, way overdue,
and plonked herself down next to the ewe.
then – leaning back on the cow –
did she, the great chairman mao,
immaculately embirth winnie the pooh.
Don’t give them ideas!
No, this would be a fun one to watch! Imagine them claiming that Xi is 2000+ yrs old and he just came to power…now?
Found this:
While we found evidence of both the removal of crosses from churches and the replacement of holy images with that of Xi in China, we find that the reports on the replacement of holy images with Xi to be potentially misleading in some ways in the social media posts.
"During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime’s atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn’t go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them.
If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum."
-Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds
The TLDR: Don’t criticize China, you’re wrong anyway.
Which one is Mary, and which Jesus?
I need to see the nativity scene version of this! But with Xi’s old face on baby Jesus.
I had to double check to see if this was an onion article.
To be honest, I don’t trust The Telegraph any more than I trust The Onion. At least The Onion is straightforward about what they are.
The Onion is quite accurate, they just publish too early.
Ai had difficulty to do a nativity scene without Mary 😀
So techically these are Chinese sheeps, Chinese fodder, Chinese cloaks… A lot of things are coming to mind
A Chinese Mohammed A Chinese Jerusalem A Chinese Israel
When I see tankie lemmings, I just point to this type of stuff…
Does it help?
Of course not, it’s just like the Maga crowd. They have their heads in the sand just as bad.
You point to poorly sourced telegraph articles and you expect to be taken seriously?
Religion is the opiate of the masses and the CCP insists on being the only dealer around
I was so hoping to see pictures of mother Mao hold baby Xi
I watched “The Man in the High Castle”, and the Christian imagery and symbolism in a former Christian Church were replaced with Nazi symbolism. I thought it was a bit farfetched, but now hearing something similar being done by China as part of totalitarianism, it is rather spooky. I’ve heard religious buildings being destroyed, but converting places of worship and blatantly removing its past to align with state ideology is far more surreal and haunting, and I am an agnostic atheist.
Yeah that’s positive christianity and it was an actual thing.
That’s a fairly direct transition.
Lmao that’s fucking hilarious.
NK levels of brain rot here we come!
Right on track to repeat the horrors of the past with complete blind faith in himself.
I can’t wait to watch him fall on his face royally.
Keep waiting, bud.
Replace Mary in the manger with Mao. Now Mao is giving birth to Jesus. Weirdo.
Replace baby Jesus with adult Mao in the manger.
I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing in that church.