I once sat down next to my cat and calmly said “I wish you would shut the fuck up.” And she responded by biting my knee.
I was like, “yeah ok, I deserved that one.”
My cat loves to answer my questions with a gentle bite on the leg or knee or calf. But in his defense, he only does that if the questions happen while he’s sleeping or doing a social roll.
If he’s awake, my conversation is answered with SCREAM.
Order eh?
Who does he think he is?
He is your king.
well i didn’t vote for him
Exactly, he’s your king
well ow d’ya know he’s a king then?
chop chop
You cannot afford normal, the cat probably
Video. We need video!
I can’t see “be QUIET” without thinking of Data.
What does the cat keep meowing about?
My cat meows when outside the room I’m in. She acts like she’s lost in the middle of nowhere if she can’t physically see anyone and thereby must repeatedly meow as loud as possible in order to be rescued. Doesn’t matter if she was just on my lap and I haven’t moved. She leaves the room and is suddenly lost. The second I call for her she runs to me following the sound of my voice and then is perfectly quiet, cuddly and all purrs.
While a little blurry, I absolutely love the picture.
Something tells me this cat is never still enough to properly photograph.
Do they make that poster with a long hair gray cat?