But backwards. A Candidate Manchurian
But backwards. A Candidate Manchurian
We should probably give a lot of money to rich people. That’ll fix it.
Are batteries that you can poke to explode really a good idea in a country with so many wireless hole pokers?
What an interesting study in punctuation.
It did something, I’m fairly sure. I think.
He did handle it well.
That: “I heard it from Putin” should go down in history.
“I heard it from Putin.”
That’s really what was going on there.
“I heard it from Putin.”
At least he got to drop that one off.
Do you want to talk about it?
How is China not capitalist? The government keeps it’s capitalist leashed, but they are the driving force are they not?
I’m also not sure how you’d not see them as an empire? It’s a big ole place with a lot of folk.
I feel like if you keep the lid on like that it makes the popcorn very firm. If you crack it and let the steam out it’s fluffier, but also splashes little drops of hot oil.
I think most of the powers that be are big drinkers and coke heads
I’m so happy you looked it up. Now I can see how it’s spelled. Also, I’m pretty sure I was mispronouncing it.
Nope, after googling, I think I had invented a word that didn’t exist. I thought it was didetic.
The free air pump is the wildest thing about this?
Free? Where is this?
Well, I don’t know that we have to be so personal.
Once the market finds what people like, the industry will lobby to get it legally defined and then do the minimum towards that legal definition.
So, it sort of depends on who labeled it and makes those labels a little nebulous to the benefit of big ag.
A small brand will come up with something people like, them big ag will just sort of steal the label, make it meaningless and use it as marketing.
Methinks the billionaire doth protest too much
Yeah, this is legit scary. I’m used to media kowtowing to corporate interests for money, or whatever fox does, but somehow this is a lot more chilling.
Are the aliens going to rape and enslave?