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“She wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.” Again, actual quote.
I laughed a lot at some of the absurd things he has said during this, but that claim so far has been the funniest. It’s phrased like he just ended a game of Clue but he can only communicate via conservative buzzwords.
Kamala just got a laugh out of me when she was talking about Trump inviting the Taliban to Camp David and she’s talking and then chokes on her words to look him up and down to try to find a PG-rated descriptor of him and ended up just saying “and this……… former president”.
She absolutely said “this motherfucker” in her head and I was cracking up when that moment happened
She’s a monster.
But she’s not arresting any of the illegals, so she’s not doing any transgender operations.
I don’t know about that. I don’t know about that.
To be clear, you don’t have a plan?
I have the concepts of a plan.
I love where he implied that because he’s not president he didn’t have to have a plan.
Despite the fact that he was president for four years and didn’t come up with one.
“I’m not the president” Said the guy who said the election was stolen from him.
I’m definitely going to use that tidbit ol in one of our development change logs
My favorite part was when he said “if we come up with a better plan, we will replace Obamacare at that time.” Which is as close as he can get to saying he has tried (because he was president for 4 years) and failed to come up with a better plan than Obamacare (because he never did replace it or even announce that he had a plan and yesterday admitted that he doesn’t have one). So essentially, he endorsed Obamacare as a better plan than anything he or his team could come up with in the past 9 years.
I loved that confession.
Trump… doesn’t want Ukraine to win the war? He dodged the fucking question?
When asked how he would handle Israel differently he said “It would never have happened, how Russia invaded Ukraine” sir, that’s not what we’re talking about
I don’t think he answered a single question.
He dodged every question and shoehorned in “the border” for all of them.
he did have one answer to the obamacare question he had the “concepts of a plan” which is almost as stupid/funny as saying “my dog ate it”
It would have been the funniest thing in the world if Harris had latched on to that and been like "Maybe you should take another 6-10 years to golf and think about it then come back. "
The Draft. Questions. It’s all the same. He dodges more than the auto manufacturer.
They even asked him a second time even more directly, “Yes or no: do you want Ukraine to win in the war against Russia?” And he still wouldn’t just say yes or no. It’s like the easiest softball question you could ask for and he whiffed.
These hosts are absolutely awful. Every time he rambles and lies, they give Harris a new topic. Occasionally they ask a question and barely point out that he didn’t answer it.
The hosts need to hold him to a debate, not let him play it like a Trump rally.
Harris is doing fantastic.
Everything he said is a lie. They would spend the whole debate rebutting him.
Nah, actually correct him and mute his mic and he would storm off the stage like a giant baby.
This is what should happen. Blatant lie means you lose time for corrections.
Oh look, Harris wanted to respond out of turn one time and the hosts shut her down after letting Trump interrupt all night.
It really deems like he has been allowed to talk for twice the time as Harris. Anyone keeping track?
Wow, his 15% more time that he was able to get by interrupting and not shutting up when his time was up sure felt a lot longer than it was.
Oh look, Harris wanted to respond out of turn one time and the hosts shut her down after letting Trump interrupt all night.
That was so irritating! On the other hand, the more he talked the more idiotic he sounded so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.
It’s really infuriating. Every time he’s asked a question, and she gets a rebuttal, he just starts rebutting her rebuttal and they just let him. And half the time what he’s says has nothing to do with the question that was asked. They cut Kamala off pretty much every time.
The difference in America between commercial and public media: PBS’ stream is letting two political experts answer viewer questions. NBC is interviewing three undecided voters in Pennsylvania.
“Undecided” voters are just people who are too ashamed to admit they’re going to vote for Trump.
No, there really are weird people who have no idea who they will vote for. I saw them interviewed last night. Most of them now say they will vote for Harris.
Gee, should I vote for Hitler, or not Hitler? I just can’t decide!
ABC needs to let Harris respond instead of constantly letting Trump respond and not her
Yeah it’s getting pretty old now.
And calling him President!
Former presidents are still called president.
But it still makes me wince.
Kamala is aborting this 78 year old baby on live television.
Someone get a tube of burn cream
oh my days
Viktor Orbán???
He’s a tough guy!
He’s a strongman!
That’s a bold move Cotton
Why hasn’t Vice President Harris fixed everything already, she’s the Vice President already so she should fix it.
So says the man that tried to get his VP hung when he dared disagree with him.
Fuckin dummy took the bait on the rally size thing.
And she laid it out so well.
I came into the thread for exactly that.
Now he’s about to take the bait on the former Reupbs who are voting for Harris.
You could see part of Harris’ teams strategy was to bait him with things to make him mad.
There was the statement about him losing 400 million dollars, the statement about other western leaders laughing at him, the rally size comment. Probably a few more.
If he was smarter he would have seen what they she was attempting and changed how he responded
Dana Bash from CNN actually stating what should be obvious. Paraphrasing:
We’re covering this because it’s racist. We’re talking about memes that say people of color will eat your pets. That’s racism.
Feels like it’s more xenophobic. Obviously one assumes many of the referenced people are brown, but they are assumed poor too and we aren’t saying it’s classist. The thing that unites all of the people implicated in the claim is that they are foreigners.
“I have concepts of a plan.”
Why does this motherfucker keep getting to interrupt?!!
Moderation isn’t great. He’s getting way too much time and rebuttals.
He’s getting extra rebuttals. She isn’t.
Goddammit cut him off.
Solar is the worst - by the way I’m a big fan of solar.
A totally sane person
Well yes, he’s a fan of the worst things.