Hypothetical: You have to walk 10 miles, >95% of it on sidewalks, through the bad part(s) of a dangerous American city starting at 9:00 PM on a Saturday night. Who of the following (in the body of this post) would you rather have as de facto bodyguards?

1a. Those randomly chosen consent and will collectively get $10 000 if you make through safely.

2b. No one in these choices is armed: at least not when you all begin your walk.

3c. 6 oz of alcohol is 100% and can be in the form of 12 oz of 100 proof booze, 48 oz of 25 proof wine, 192 oz of 6.25 proof beer, etc.

4d. The Roman, Chinese, and Zulu groups each have a middle age female translator.

16 randomly chosen female Americans, 25 to 35

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35, 4’9" to 5’3"

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35, each who has drunk 6 oz of alcohol in the past 30 minutes

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 55 to 70

24 randomly chosen Americans, 65 to 80

8 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35

1 random person who’s been in the US Marines for over 10 years, but is under 35

6 Roman soldiers (circa 100 AD)

8 Chinese soldiers (circa 100 AD)

4 Zulu warriors (circa 1600 AD)

1 T-800 terminator in the same condition as the one in T-2 just before it got dipped in the molten metal

  • Bizzle@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Nobody will fuck with you for walking down the street at night in real life… except for the cops.

    • 11111one11111@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Lol you should tell that to the 3 seperate prep cooks that were mugged walking home from work on the west side of Buffalo off Richmond Ave over the year and half I worked there.

      The best advice I can give is look at any groups of yougins walking towards you on either side of the street and walk right towards them. Cross the road to go to their side even if you think they’re guna do the same. Make yourself seem crazier than it would be worth for them to fuck with you.

      Anyone with the mindset to mug is on the same level as any predatory animal. If they smell fear your fuckin done-zo. That or have a lit joing or a open container, they’ll think you don’t give a fuck same as them. Or it will be your bartering chip.

  • weariedfae@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    This prompt is bizarre and seeems written by a male 14-39.

    I think I’m going with the short kings as long as the 10k is enough to protect me from them. They did consent to the escort mission and I think 10k is enough of a motivation to keep someone cooperative for a few hours. Plus I’m short too so I wouldn’t have to hear any talls bitching about pace.

    I feel like the soldiers outside of their time might have too much issue coming to terms with modernity.

    Also I think the group of women would absolutely be able to defend themselves but I don’t want to inflict this stress on a group of random women. Although they did consent and I’m assuming gave informed consent. Plenty probably said no, so the ones that said yes are feeling bold about it.

    Fuck it, I change my mind I’m going with the gaggle of sassy ladies.

    They’d all have each other’s back and are used to being on high alert. Probably pretty scrappy too. There’s no city I can think of that has 10 whole miles of "bad’ so really it would be just isolated pockets of heightened danger and a long walk otherwise.

    Plus there’s way less of a chance of them turning on me.

  • That_Devil_Girl@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I chose to forgo the bodyguards as it draws too much attention. I’d rather stealth my way across the ten miles.