I think the character says what they actually say in the video, as opposed to saying skibidi which is what everyone who has not seen it assumes he says. I’m in the latter party
Ok I got some middle schooler translation on this. Apparently there’s a video of a guy’s (a Half Life character’s) head coming out of a toilet. You can see it drawn on the board to the far right of the picture. In the video, he spouts a bunch of nonsense including “Yes yes”.
Said middle schooler is annoyed that I asked him, since apparently this is some elementary school-aged memes. This checks out, because my 4th grader over heard us talking and yelled “Skibibi!!”
The fact the skibidi says yes yes instead of skibidi makes me think they’ve seen it, because everyone who hasn’t tends to just say skibidi.
I’ve read your sentence half a dozen times and it’s making my head swim. Can someone please translate?
I think the character says what they actually say in the video, as opposed to saying skibidi which is what everyone who has not seen it assumes he says. I’m in the latter party
I’m still lost. Be right back, asking my middle schoolers to translate.
Ok I got some middle schooler translation on this. Apparently there’s a video of a guy’s (a Half Life character’s) head coming out of a toilet. You can see it drawn on the board to the far right of the picture. In the video, he spouts a bunch of nonsense including “Yes yes”.
Said middle schooler is annoyed that I asked him, since apparently this is some elementary school-aged memes. This checks out, because my 4th grader over heard us talking and yelled “Skibibi!!”