A niche band from Asia I loved as a teenager disbanded in the early 2000s. Due to legal reasons their work is in forever limbo, no Spotify, official YouTube etc. Best you can get is 2nd hand CDs on online marketplaces for a premium.
One guy was seeding a 4GB torrent over on PirateBay from 2008 with every song, music video, numerous interviews etc. Reasons like this is why pirating needs to stay alive. Legend made me want to seed it with him longterm. Now we’re 2 seeders strong.
Keep sailing pirates, and whenever possible please seed.
EDIT: For those asking the band is the Japanese band Malice Mizer. The torrent in question is https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=4158529 And I love seeing how a few of you guys know the band and getting hit by nostalgia. Enjoy
You should upload it to archive.org too.
We all need to be our own archivists in this day and age. The internet isn’t forever, it’s a constantly burning Library of Alexandria. I’m glad you found your lost media again.
this was incredibly profound to me for some reason. you’re spot on, an eternal Alexandria.
Even the Internet Archive is slowly eroding from the bottom :(
How do you mean? The lawsuits, or something else?
Society and everything as a whole.
It would need government level of intervention but even that might not be enough.
Just take a look at regular public libraries on how they fare. They look like they barely scrape by at times.You’re doing the “assume everyone online is American” thing. If I take a look at my public libraries here in Australia, they’re thriving. My local is in a new building about a decade old. It has a music studio that’s free to use for 12-25 year olds, it’s open 10am-8pm every day except Sunday. I’m also barely scratching the surface on what it offers, and what it’s sister libraries in nearby suburbs offer too.
I am from Germany where libraries arent crippled to death.
Thing most libraries outside of major city centers don’t get the funding.
My local library doesnt have a manga section for example. The library in the next city at least has that but also requires a subscription or a single lending fee.
Oooh, what’s the band called?
Edit: Malice Mizer. OP answered below.
Meanwhile my torrent of Thee Michelle Gun Elephant is stuck at 31.9% because that’s all that’s available.
Story of my life with torrents, really. I just want the old and obscure, the stuff you can’t find anymore. But it always seems to be all about the latest popular shit, sadly.
Have you tried private trackers?
Edit: or soulseek?
I’m searching on the Seeker app but use Nicotine+ on desktop.
(this is like oldschool p2p, those are live clients and searching at other times may reveal more or less)
Private trackers are not worth it at all. Getting into main stuff is way too hard and open signups are pure luck. Even people who used top tier private trackers for over a decade now openly admit they wouldn’t bother with it if they were starting from scratch today.
I used to be on Demonoid and some other JAV trackers but they shut down and I’m too lazy to bother with waiting to join another. Never really was into music enough to track (hah!) a private tracker and honestly I think it’s not in the spirit of torrents. But I appreciate the recommendations nonetheless :)
Soulseek is freely open and barely even requires a login if you ever want to look.
I hear usenet is good for obscure stuff.
If only I had disk space but between 500 GB Skyrim VR and 500 GB msfs and few other such things my measly 5tb space is crowded.
And the problem with these big modded games is that once you uninstall it it is very time consuming to reproduce same result. Modded Skyrim VR for example modlist was long ago abandoned for something much smaller because it was impossible to maintain by the author. I need to buy some kind of oversized HDD and store such modded games maybe packing them with some kind of installer. It would be nice to rent cloud space for kind of custom steam for modded games.I remember when 1tb was like a lot and nowadays I have like 20 of such disks around the house and still drowning in data, maybe because of around 15 tb of family photos and videos.
So with all that I feel like I have only 100gb for permanent seeding because that space goes first I guess. I am so drowning in data. Even have 4 old phones waiting perpetually for recovering data maybe it is gone already actually f knows. I think I need at some point to buy 50 tb drive for 1500 or so. Painful purchase but like I don’t see any other way
I should probably keep sharing Linux Isos longer than I do, but data hording has a low WAF. Instead I have prowlarr set the ratio to 3 (one for me, one for a leecher, and one to add to the pool) to keep the data churning.