Definitely Steven Seagal in that reggae song he did. This one.
I will upvote but I do not dare press the link. Yikes.
But claims that we the best music…I am now disillusioned.
Another one
Congratulations, you played yourself.
Someone I know listens exclusively to the Beatles on the car radio. From all the Beatles hype, it should feel like a party, but instead it feels like you’re listening to jingle commercials during the whole ride.
Probably doesn’t help that they’re so popular that their music was licensed and became synonymous with commercials.
Same thing with the doors and all things Vietnam.
Really surprised that no one’s mentioned Yoko Ono.
She’s really not that bad if you’ve ever heard Linkin park.
Corey Feldman’s Angelic 2 the Core is without a doubt the worst album I’ve ever listened to. It is not just mediocre or underwhelming, it is not just a “miss,” it is actively and unforgettably horrible. Definitely worth checking out.
Ahh. The licorice jelly bean of music.
“Gross… here, try it”
Linkin Park and Papa Roach. 2 okISH bands with the worst singers in music history. Shit gives me headaches.
David Lee Roth’s solo work… makes my ears bleed
Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band. It’s essentially unlistenable.
It ain’t easy listening, but there’s nothing else like it. Pretty interesting how it was made.
Can’t agree more. I’ve got it in my collection but (after many years and many attempts) I simply can’t make heads or tails of it.
It’s a journey for sure!
It’s so goddamn janky that I was floored Safe As Milk was normal 60s fare.
Hey now…
Because unless you saw them live, where the lead singer was probably drunk, they’re a legitimately good band with a solid discography. It’s not even a Nickelback / Creed situation where the common consensus is to shit on them - they’re just overexposed for their few top-100 hits.
“All Star” in particular is a self-aware criticism of people who give people shit for listening to Smash Mouth.
Yeah. Live at an Edgefest. It’s was bad. Really really bad.
Not quite the answer to your question, but Cafe Tacvba. Great music, lousy singer, like that guy says about Red Hot Chili Peppers. Jesus Christ.
The Shaggs, but I enjoy them anyway.
Who needs musical talent? Or … y’know… basic knowledge of music and musical instruments?
David Lee Roth. Tone deaf
Imagine dragons - cutthroat. I dislike imagine dragons as it is, but this song is so bad it sounds like a bad parody of a shitty song.
Worst concert, REM when they were starting out.
Recorded voice that irritates me the most? Dead Kennedys.
I am, personally, pretty tolerant of imperfect singing if the song is good, think a whole lot of bands just let the best singer they have sing, instead of finding someone who can really sing, and that’s OK.
It’s funny. I know Jello’s singing isn’t great, yet I absolutely love his warbling voice.
Biafra is… Something. I can’t say whether or not it works in Dead Kennedies, but IMO it works just fine in Lard. I think that for the ethos of punk music–not pop punk, but the real shit–he’s pretty good.
I mean, his voice is perfect for Police Truck and Moon Over Marin but every now and again I’ll just… Stop while listening and think “ugh”