Would you recommend it to others?
Clue. 1985 Yes, Tim curry is fantastic in it.
“AND NOW! I’m going home to sleep with my wife!”
Who isn’t fantastic in that movie!?
Ah, I see somebody listens to the Blank Check podcast, the Special Features one on Patreon!
Also RIP Martin Mull.
I guess I’ll be the thread’s normie:
Deadpool & Wolverine
And yes I would recommend it. (If one is a fan of the genre of course)
Same. I’d recommend it to almost anyone, especially if you liked the previous ones.
Yeah, that’s the most recent movie for me, too. I thought it was all right; I’ve been listening to a lot of Insane Clown Posse recently so a lot of the jokes weren’t as shocking/outré as I think they were trying to be. But it definitely had its moments, like the… uh… “fingers to the face” scenes and the… “skin-related incident”.
Same! Loved it. Deadpool is now one of the best Marvel and Fox comic book movie trilogies in that it manages to nail all 3 movies. Have only seen that with Captain America and Guardians (imo).
The Life Aquatic
Wes Anderson movies are an acquired taste. But this one in particular is very accessible, and very funny. And it has a very emotional ending.
The only thing an uninitiated viewer needs to know is that the effects are intentionally low-budget. Just take them as seriously as the characters do, you’ll warm to them.
“What is scientific purpose of this mission?”
Right up there with Tenenbaums for me. Wasn’t as impressed with it when I saw it in theaters, but it really grew on me. Still get the feels when Queen Bitch plays at the end.
In theater, deadpool and wolverine. Plot was silly but holy fuck the movie itself was incredible. Won’t spoil it but they’re are some great surprises for 90s kids. I felt pandered to in the best way.
At home, the mask. Girlfriend hadn’t seen it. Warned her that I remembered it being amazing when I saw it ages ago, but it might not hold up. It held up. Chick chicky boom.
Treasure Planet for the first time… It was a ride, I liked the animation and the old Disney style actually got me thinking if it had gaming adaptations… And ofc it had them… I want to at least try one (for nostalgic reasons), but I am unsure if the PS1 or PS2 version is the right one to go.
Mad Max: Fury Road, it was just as good as I remember
Oops, forgot about watching Murder Mystery 2 and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire with my parents. They were ok for a few chuckles, Ghostbusters had some fun easter eggs.
I was really disappointed with Frozen Empire; the whole plot felt very rushed.
The idea that the supposed smart girl of the family would intentionally get into an untested machine (she literally asked if they had tested it on living beings yet, which they said they hadn’t), with the intent of “only temporarily killing herself,” so she could… do what? Kiss her ghost crush? when they had already explicitly said that her ghost form could interact with the physical world, so they could’ve kissed regardless? Then, take the other story arc, about the fire master, that could have been the main story arc! They could have kept some of the teenage rebellion of the two kids, while having most of the story revolve around him becoming fire master. Instead, they tried to shove 3 stories into one movie, and it just came out a garbled mess.
Interstellar. It was like the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen it, so yeah, I’d definitely recommend it if you’re into sci-fi epics.
The last movie I saw for the first time was Barbie. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. It also didn’t take itself too seriously, despite having a very positive message for women.
Borderlands. Unsurprisingly, no.
Vesper. It is imo a good sci-fi movie, but a tough one. The lives of the characters are not easy, but the movie doesn’t tell you that, you discover it through details casually said by the characters. The movie itself is a post apocalyptic movie in a very original setting. It is about biotechnology instead mechanised or AI tech. It is worth it for this alone IMO. It was a great movie imo, but not one to cheer up.
My partner and I are watching every movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger has ever been in, no matter how small the role. We just finished watching Scavenger Hunt from 1979 and it was fucking horrible. By the far the worst movie from his early days in film. It’s not that he made it bad, the movie in and of itself was bad.
Heat (1995)
Absolute must-watch
This is blasphemy, but I prefer Ronin for my fix of a 90s crime movie with grounded, high planning gunfights.
Heat has fantastic gunfights. The the opening hit on the armored truck and the bank heist shootout is top notch, but I literally can’t remember the rest of the movie.
Ronin’s plot and quiet moments are as engaging as the shootouts.
Hard agree my friend
That movie is for sure in my Top 100 Movies of All Time. Definitely in my Top 15 Heist Movies of All Time.
Ronin begs for Ghost Dog: way of the samurai (c1999: another telling of a Ronin sorry)
Perfect Days. Got it half-off from Criterion based on the trailer and little else. Absolutely gorgeous cinematography, and a subtle and compelling character study.
Thank you so much for recommending this movie. Today’s my birthday and, on a hunch, I decided to give it a go, I just finished watching it and I cannot explain how much I needed it and how much it’s helped me on this day. Thanks a million
Tbh I debated posting it because it was late and there were already dozens of comments and I didn’t have it in me to write some big review. But I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Make sure not to miss the soundtrack.
Was my last movie too. I really enjoyed it, and even though some would say that it’s slow/not much happens, it left a stronger impression on me than any other film I recently watched.
Robocop & Robocop 2 back-to-back. I’d recommend the first one but not the sequel. Even though it’s the same main actors, the writers seemingly decided to lower their IQ and make their personalities more shallow in the sequel.
I feel the second one is worth it for the warehouse attack scene and the press conference/final fight.
I don’t feel it’s a bad movie, but it’s got more silly than satire and focuses too much on the bad guys POV rather than RoboCop. Plus they literally wreck his personality.
First movie is still amazing though. One of my favorites!
Watched Dune pt 2. I personally didn’t like the rewrites to the story, but I enjoyed Villeneuve’s artistic style.
Regarding if I would recommend the movie, I’ll paraphrase a video review I saw: “I would recommend it to anyone who liked the first one and hasn’t read the books”.
The Sudbury Devil. Would I recommend it? Yes, if you don’t mind weird, independent horror movies.