Exactly not at all.
Fridays are my cheat day. All week long I look forward to getting a big ole breakfast burrito at a local restaurant. I pull in that morning and there’s a “cash only” sign. Well I don’t have any cash on me. Ruined my damn morning.
great lesson why you have some cash on you, like enough to fill up your gas tank.
Yes it was a good reminder for me. I usually always carry cash for this reason, but I had spent my cash and was lazy about making the time to swing by the bank for more. I did do that later that day and am back to carrying cash on me.
What kind of breakfast burrito?
It’s called the big omelette burrito with brisket. It’s a big omelet, 3 eggs, cheese, meat of your choice (I go with brisket) pico de gallo, refried beans. It’s amazing. It also serves as my lunch because it’s huge.
Dear lord, that sounds incredible. I assume it feeds 3 adults
The real question here
Since I run Arch I was totally fine with it. I run Arch BTW.
We weren’t able to send work orders to maintenance for a day. We sent it the next day.
I was devastated.
Everything opened slowly at work for a day, and a bunch of coworkers got a free paid half day off because they couldn’t login.
I work with CNC machines, and those were unaffected. But the measuring devices we use to double - check tolerances and record the fact that our parts are good went down. The computer that tracks the number of good parts and scraps for the day were also down.
So, we kept running and did more manual checks with micrometers and gages. Work slowed slightly, and record keeping had to be on paper for a while and entered manually on Monday.
Also we couldn’t clock in that day, the time tracking computer was also down. So a head count was taken and also entered into eh computer once it got running
From what I gather, a relatively large number of people’s laptops at work BSOD’d. A few still aren’t working. My laptop worked fine, and I definitely did not slack off all day.
Got to sit around and play video games for half a day until someone from IT called and was like “yeah we need to walk you through the work around.”
Mostly just ruined social media for a few weeks :)
I got a TON of overtime.
I had to come in on the weekend and work to fix affected PCs. I’m on salary so that was for no extra pay, with the understanding that we’d take that time off sometime during the week. Unfortunately I have too much other stuff going on, so I wasn’t able to take any time off.
Don’t forget to hold them to it - there’s plenty of with that can wait!
We were coming through ATL airport on the Sunday after things had somewhat calmed down. But… Not for Delta. The entire flights board was red. Delayed, cancelled, crazy.
One person and been stuck in Atlanta since Thursday and managed to get on our flight to move one step closer to home. We got stupid stupid lucky to miss the worst of the chaos and only ended up with a few hours delay. Hauling three of our kids through airports when you don’t know if any flight will even be scheduled is not a fun experience.
Made it home in a reasonable timeframe, but only by luck.
Zero affect. Not traveling, and work systems apparently aren’t protected by it … not sure if that’s good or bad 😂
I was offline for 1/2 a day when I returned from work after 2 weeks vacation. This was 4 days later and my remote (onsite) Windows workstation was in accessible.
IT eventually had to remove it from its location and when in it for several hours to get it back up.
Then once back in I had to log back in to every internal and external website. If Chrome (work req.) didn’t save logins that would have been painful.
Non of our customers use it so no effect on us. Then again, I am a network engineer so even if it did it not like I could help much.
I work mostly with FortiNet gear so SSL 0 day are my bad days.