At least 3 sources confirmed this “Private conversation”.
Seems not-so-private then? How do we keep getting news reports of these “private conversations” every week?
Very possibly leaked to put pressure on Biden and ease up pressure from other congressman to join with their opposition to him running.
Controlled leaks from Pelosi’s team would be my guess. Clearly she didn’t want the conversation to stay private.
Edit: Nevermind the other commenter already said this.
I’m gonna repeat myself. I don’t think it will matter. Biden could win all 50 states, but there will still be 1/5th of this country behind traitor Trump. Even if 250m people stand against the rhetoric and violence this group advocates for, we’ve been socially fractured. The American people have been demoralized too much for too long to oppose such a unified force.
The Supreme Court showed their hand. They have already overriden an election in 2000. They can and will do it again. Too many things that are happening are too similar to every past collapse in history.
The one chance we had was unifying as anti-nazi. When that didn’t happen, our fate was sealed.
The only reason that happened in 2000 was because Gore decided it was for the best to let it go.
It’s not really private if CNN reports it…
There’s a massive difference between a leak, even an intentional one, and coming out and holding a press conference telling Biden to step down.
This is who you wanted instead bernie. Stfu Pelosi and eat your gruel.
Unfortunately that means we all eat gruel.
Don’t blame me… I voted for bernie. I blame Bill Maher/ Pelosi msnbc boomer liberals
DNC shill fights with other DNC shill over retaining DNC shills in government
They also thought Hilary was going to win in a landslide. It’s laughable how dumb the DNC is and how they think they know so much better than the American population. The primaries happened l. It’s over. He’s who we’re stuck with
Bullshit, we never had genuine primaries.
The primary was genuine. The DNC candidate support was not.
Had they provided Bernie with the same media coverage and platform of support as Hillary, the passively informed wouldn’t have seen him as “the socialist who wants you to pay for other people’s kids to go to college.”
Some would say, anti democratic.
There weren’t any real primaries. I literally one had one choice on my ballot
Do you expect it to be any better if the DNC forces Biden out?
deleted by creator
I think you may be mistaken if you’re implying that the DNC is the entity that is trying to get Biden to step aside.
The DNC is currently engaged in an all-out effort to lock Biden in by getting delegates to commit before convention. Those who are trying to get him to step aside, on the other hand, are a bunch of Democratic congressional representatives, donors, and other party figures – not the national party committee itself.
Edit – just since yesterday, apparently the DNC has dropped its plan to hold the “roll call” by which they were going to get their delegates committed before August. A group of Democratic senators who had written and co-signed a letter in protest of that activity have withdrawn the letter, saying their purpose is achieved (i.e., saying the DNC isn’t going ahead with the bullshit). But now maybe all bets are off since the president has contracted COVID?
The primaries happened l. It’s over. He’s who we’re stuck with
With these leaked conversations from Pelosi, Schumer, and Jefferies, it doesn’t seem like the party thinks he’s the candidate they’re stuck with. Seems even the leadership feels they were kept in the dark about Biden’s current state through the primaries.
My question is, who is ride or die for Biden at this point? The people I know on the left are voting against Trump, rather than for Biden or even for a Democrat, and have said they would vote for just about any Democrat with a pulse to beat Trump.
Is it the moderates? Maybe in 2020, when Biden was the familiar voice of reason running against a proven conman with four years of endless headlines of corruption and destruction of norms. But that’s not what people have stored in their recent memory this time around, and it’s not the Biden we have now. He can’t string together a lucid rebuttal to the practiced silver tongue that seems to have half of America fooled.
This late in the game, the only way I see the Democrats beating Trump is if they win the same moderate voters who were sick of the uncertainty and disruptions of the Trump presidency, and Biden can’t seem to coherently communicate the dangers of returning to that anymore. The Democrats need to put forward a candidate that remembers both the start of their sentences and points they were trying to make by the time they reach the end, even after 8pm.
Then Trump wins if Biden stays.
No way Biden makes it though the campaign. He looks worse and worse at every speech he gives. That job is taking it toll.
Yep, he’s gonna drive our Democracy right off the cliff.
But it’s not just his fault, it’s the fault of every single person who voted for him in the 2020 primary.
I voted Bernie. I still put this on the DNC establishment who basically rigged the whole thing.
Didn’t Bernie still get the popular vote yet lose anyway?
Edit: I think I’m confusing things with the 2016 election. I thought I remembered seeing news that he was slightly more popular than Hillary.
I just looked it up and in 2020 Biden got like 10 million more votes in the primaries than Sanders. Bernie only carried like 6 states.
Just shut up and vote for the third party candidate you wanted