Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.
Yep, he’s gonna drive our Democracy right off the cliff.
But it’s not just his fault, it’s the fault of every single person who voted for him in the 2020 primary.
I voted Bernie. I still put this on the DNC establishment who basically rigged the whole thing.
Didn’t Bernie still get the popular vote yet lose anyway?
Edit: I think I’m confusing things with the 2016 election. I thought I remembered seeing news that he was slightly more popular than Hillary.
I just looked it up and in 2020 Biden got like 10 million more votes in the primaries than Sanders. Bernie only carried like 6 states.
Just shut up and vote for the third party candidate you wanted