I mean, you’ve got to be stupid to be a MAGA head. But being gay and a MAGA head you need to be terminally dumb. Amazing that such people can breathe without intellectual assistance.
Dumb or horribly self-loathing. Unfortunately, there are plenty parts of America that help instill that feeling.
Yup, every Republican woman is deeply into self loathing. I can’t tell you how many Republican woman I’ve heard say women can’t be leaders or it takes a man to do what’s right.
Just look at all the rightwingers that head anti-pedo movements that get busted for having CP or being actual groomers. (The list is LONG)
That’s just another tactic of projection. Republican woman are just mad that they aren’t men and need to justify their own subjugation by ensuring they get second place in the social hierarchy instead of questioning why there’s a hierarchy in the first place. Thinking for yourself is difficult, so being told what to do is easy. Even if that means being told to hate yourself. Hell Christianity’s first chronological story boils down to “women are the reason life sucks.”
They just think he’ll surely only go after Other people, that they’ll be safe, part of the “In” group.
How anyone can be a member of the LGBTQ community and vote Republican is beyond me. Makes no sense.
Imagine either hating paying taxes or hating brown people so much you’d vote for people who want to see you hanged.
I work with two lesbians who are Trumpers. No surprises, they hate all non-White people with a passion. The only thing that surprised me is that they’re so racist they hate Chinese food.
It’s perfectly possible having been born with characteristics that make one a “member” of a minority and still be a prejudiced asshole who discriminates against “others”. In fact the prejudiced take is to expect that’s any less likely for people from a specific minority to be prejudiced than other people.
That said, Trump and his ilk are targeting with their hate LGBT+, though mainly Transexuals and LGBT+ isn’t really A community but several.
Considering that at least some year ago there were plenty of stories of Bisexual men being discriminated against by other LGBT+ people, it’s not overly surprising the notion that some people who are Gay would thing that attacks on Transexuality are nothing to do with them personally and might even agree with it.
Unlike the reductio ad absurdum fantasy of liberal Identity Politics, people do come in all kinds no mater what group you tag them as being members of.
Yeah, having experienced discrimination doesn’t make someone immune from discriminating themselves. There are dumbfuck bigoted arseholes all across the spectrum of humanity.
Punching down. It’s often why bullies are bullies, they are someone’s victim and the lesson they learn is to find someone weaker to make a victim.
If you tell someone they are less than and they believe it, they will start looking for someone less than themselves to treat the same way.
It’s inferiority from the top down. Trump talks in terms of being the best, the greatest, etc to mask his true feelings. He feels he is less than. Maybe not consciously, but it’s absolutely something that weighs on him.
Not the same. Of course there are dumbfuck bigoted assholes who fit somewhere in the queer spectrum. It’s the dumbfuck bigoted assholes that appear to be marginalizing themselves, supporting bigotry against themselves and everyone like them, that seems like the bigger inconsistency here.
For example bisexual men being discriminated against by people who are NOT bisexual is at least logically consistent
Gay people discriminating against Transexuals is also logically consistent (not Moral, but certainly logical for somebody whose thinking is “As long a I am alright”).
For me a logical explanation for some people who are Gay aligning themselves with Trump and their crowd is them thinking that the prejudices of those people are against Transexuals, not Gays, and as they do not see themselves as being the same and they’re not actually pro-Equality out of Principle but simply out of “what’s in it for me”, they’re ok with discrimination against Transexuals.
That’s some serious tightrope walking
Oh, weird, because their MAGA support is ruining other people’s lives as well but it doesn’t seem to cross their mind.
Leopard-loving people say their leopard face-eating support is ruining their lives
That guy seems like you could explain irony to him 20 times in a row and he’d never get it.
choices have consequences.
no one who endorses a psychotic dictator should ever be allowed to feel comfortable in life.
I knew a gay republican couple. They both cheated on each other constantly. They didn’t do anything pro-gay or even remotely lgbt themed. They were actively ashamed of who they were. Both from affluent families, so that makes sense. One of them got me super drunk, and then took advantage of me while his partner was out of town. These are not good people.
I know two married men who are openly and claim to be happily gay, adopted 4 children, but are so pro-trump and all that crazy shit. Idk how they can be like that. As a gay woman, it’s so confusing.
I had a friend who is gay and supported Mitt Romney back in the day. He campaigned against gays. Obama won and legalized same-sex marriage. She is now married to her wife. Reminds me of her
obama didn’t legalize same sex marriage; the supreme court did
Granted, you’re technically right. Support for it was certainly a large part of Obama’s campaign though. It’s unclear what the overall result would have been for Obergfell vs Hodges with an administration that would have been vitriolic to the ruling.
I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.
– barrack obama 2008 during his campaign.
Voted against DOMA and eventually repealed it. There were some weird semantics about naming nomenclature of calling it a marriage in the early 2000’s. During the primaries he gave vague answers about some religions being opposed to it but did flip from earlier statements about same-sex marriages in his earlier career
Voted against DOMA and eventually repealed it.
doma was voted and enacted in 1996.
obama entered federal politics in 2008.
the supreme court invalidated doma in 2015.
doma was repealed in 2022
You’re right and I’m misremembering how it happened. I really thought DOMA was later. I’m not sure the distinction between invalidating in verse repealing it. He may have seemed more pro-LGBTQ since others were more outwardly against it.
I’m not sure the distinction between invalidating in verse repealing it.
in practical terms:
- the repeal had no impact and was done by a congressional act that gave anti-lgbtq bigots legal protections for their bigotry; it was little more than political theater to make democrats seem more progressive on an issue that they chose wrongly (and cover biden’s ass) in 1996.
- the invalidation meant that i could sponsor my life partner for citizenship, but he had already been deported years prior and he was (barely) young enough to know that he had enough time to rebuild his life with someone else and did so; while i was too old and autistic to make getting back on that horse a reality.
He may have seemed more pro-LGBTQ since others were more outwardly against it.
i suspect there’s a blind spot when it comes to democratic voters and lgbt issues; it’s assumed they’re more gay friendly unless you’re bitten by their anti-gay policies.
“I am one of the good gays. There is no way they are sending me to Daschau.”
Shocked pikachu
They think it’s ruining their lives now? Wait till after the election
You don’t have to be smart to be gay
Me as any vulnerable minority supporting Trump’s fascist project:
The person I really don’t understand- I mean I know she’s a horrible person, but I still don’t understand it- is Caitlyn Jenner. She’s supporting a party that openly wants to erase her.
deleted by creator
I never thought about it that way but that makes perfect sense.
She is the typical Republican -“Oh, but I’m the exeption. Thats different.”- type. She also speaks out publicly and loudly against trans women in women’s sports and then turns around and plays a women’s golf tournament.
I guess I can’t fathom the level of cognitive dissonance it takes to vociferously get behind people who want you dead, but I guess these people existed too- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews
I’m glad you guys always come packing this link. Folks should know about this.
She has money. It’s a total “rules for thee but not for me” situation
They’re going to find out, too late, that they’re not immune to bullets, windows, or poison and that their money can be seized by the ones who disappear them.
Yep. I’m absolutely terrified that I’ll have to go into the closet again. I’m afraid my one homophobic and transphobic coworker would report me if being gay becomes straight up illegal. Only person I know personally who isn’t cool with it.
It’s both better and worse than that. It’s extremely unlikely that being gay could become straight up illegal, but is it really any different if discrimination is ok, gay marriage and family benefits are outlawed, being gay is again a “security concern”, police harassment is ok, and people again become hostile?
“I don’t understand why other people at the synagogue treat me this way,” says member of Jews for Hitler.