Are there pirated contents that you very like and eventually give money to the creator, and where do you find the creators?
Indie games and open source projects are worth paying for imo
You don’t pirate open source projects though.
Yes, I pirate for many reasons. Money used to be the main one when I didn’t have any. Today, fortunately, I’m doing very well, but I still do it because it’s much more convenient than adapting to each of the streaming platforms, or because I access uncensored material (music and shows). For example, I’m a big fan of South Park, and the only way to access several episodes is by pirating them. My family pays for the family plan of all the major streaming services, so if I wanted to access them legally, I could, but God, I’ll never do it. I really find it all pathetic.
Regarding software, I try to avoid using anything that requires payment. I donate anonymously to many open-source projects: Cryptomator, GrapheneOS, Electrum, Veracrypt, Librewolf, WG Tunnel, and VLC. I pay for the premium versions of Bitwarden and ProtonMail. And that’s it, that’s all.
You bet, they often have a donation page, Patreon, or contact info.
I try to buy all ebooks, unless they only sell on Amazon.
I wish I could donate to more novelists directly via their websites. I tend to pirate ebooks because I don’t want a) the fuss of removing the DRM and b) to bankroll the destruction of the economy for 99% of people by giving money to big companies.
Yes, absolutely. I used to pirate almost everything because I was too poor to afford most things. Nowadays I can afford more (albeit still poor so some piracy is still out of necessity for monetary reasons). Sometimes I pirate as a try before I buy. Watching/reading reviews just doesn’t always cut it and the only way to know if something is useful/enjoyable if trying it out first. And some things I intentionally pirate even if I can afford because I have an ethical and moral objection to giving money to the company/creator (like Amazon, Disney, Adobe, etc.). And in those instances I also try to pay it forward as much as possible by direct supporting creators, donating to FOSS, charities, FSF, Internet Archive, etc.
I pay my TV license but I still end up pirating BBC shows either through Stremio or Jellyfin.
Plenty. Music and books in particular. I’m usually behind on making legit buys, but I treat piracy partially like a library where I can try before I buy.
That isn’t saying I buy everything I pirate, I don’t. But if I like it enough to keep the files, I’ll wait until I find a good sale and eventually get a legit copy in some format.
I also do it in reverse, where I’ll buy something, but pirate a digital copy when it’s more convenient. That’s typically for paper books and music on vinyl. Sometimes I’ll even pirate a copy of a CD if I’m not up to dealing with the ripping (disability means I don’t always have stamina for everything, so stuff like ripping a cd is low priority).
I do this too.
All of my favorite doujinshi I’ve jerked off to I ended up buying physical editions of the artists newer works or their older stuff via melonbooks or toranoana.
I remember playing Wildlands and loving it so much I actually bought the game full price. Sometimes you gotta vote with your wallet.
Do this all the time with video games. Pirate to try before I buy. If I really like the game I buy it in the hopes it creates an incentive to make more games like the ones I like.
Indie games are worth the experience if you pay for them. Triple AAA games? I don’t do that shit anymore. Anything from modern slop i don’t pirate at all. But what i’ll pirate is older content, TV Shows, and Movies from the two past decades.
Well I’m not sure if it counts as pirated, but I played for aseprite after I used it for a while.
Yes. I find them on Bandcamp.
What is it ?
It’s a website where you can buy music. I prefer having music in OGG or Opus format, and most of the time you can only get MP3. Bandcamp gives you the option to download your music in several formats, and one of them is OGG.
That’s starting to change, because I can find more file-sharers who are using FLAC as storage becomes cheaper. Then I can convert FLAC to Opus. However, Bandcamp also gives you the option to stream music from their app, and it’s nice to have access to so much music on my phone.
Hades didn’t really seem like my kind of game, so I torrented it to try it out. Then I bought it, and later Hades 2, too.
I’ve also bought some comics I’d previously read on the computer, too, if they were good enough and I’ve come across a nice edition.