“Clueless old man tries the cloud.”
He’s unemployed, autistic, spends his free time configuring Linux distros, doomscrolling and falling down Wikipedia rabbit holes. You won’t believe how he met his wife!
Wait, but how did you meet your wife though?
I too choose this guy’s wife.
I asked for her number in a night club, she was the bartender.
3 long lines of ‘headline’ won’t get you any clicks (and no wife)
Man goes to memorial service and learns coworker’s shocking secret!
“Which programming language will kill you the fastest? One man searches for the answer.”
Might I refer you to Brainfuck, or perhaps Whitespace?
Do let me know of the outcome!
I’ve found calling HTML a programming language helps.
“The hackers chainsaw” - Forth
Old Reverse Polish Yoda can kill with one Word.
Scientists discover THIS many shots of vodka will inebriate you
Retired at 38 and living childless with his wife in the countryside… What will he do with the rest of his life? #7 may surprise you.
WHATS #7 damnit‽
You Won’t Believe This Guy’s Crazy Knife Collection!
She Put 26 Years Into A Relationship In Exchange For A Mountain Of Debt, And Now He’s Throwing Things At Her!
Waiting for help, this shocking new treatment might be just what was needed!
Nurgle mistakenly identifies local sedentary fatass as living in tribute to him, rewards him with the blessing of now 4 weeks of continuous digestive plague.
I tried programming in vvvv and this happened…
“Virtually legless breed of alien woman hides in plain sight, sighted in Pitcairn and dumped in VT by her family after fleeing the people of NY!”
Man dies killing two cars on bicycle, his zombie stole my KOM ten years later.
Does life suck, or not?
Man tasked with feeding his best friend’s dog his last meal. You’ll never believe what was on the menu!