How about the governors suggest that their residents don’t travel internationally with ammunition?
fuck that, its not hard to check your luggage before traveling.
Stop throwing the weight of the US government behind trying to protect assholes.
I agree they’re stupid, but these aren’t people with malicious intent, and you want them to spend 10 years in prison? What do you think this solves?
I mean, all they had to do was take the least amount of effort possible to ensure their luggage was clean.
If they couldnt muster the give a fuck to do that, and intentionally went to a country that they know has these laws…Then why should I muster enough of a fuck to wring my hands desperately over the situation their own lack of care and concern created?
i think this solves the problem of idiots and assholes thinking they can flout rules and get away with it, regardless of its malicious or willful incompetence.
Don’t search your luggage? Straight to gulag!
How many years have you taken yoga to be able to stretch and twist like that?
No one is asking you to care about them.
The question is whether or not you honestly think sending these people to prison for 10 years makes any sense. It’s the same thing when some poor black kid gets caught with some weed and goes to jail. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it, and it’s easy to point at their actions and say they were “idiots” for doing drugs and carrying it around them, and that they were “flouting the rules” by having a controlled substance. But I also know an injustice when I see one.
And there is precisely zero indication that these people are “flouting the rules.” This would actually more likely apply more to the kid with some pot, because they know it’s against the law and they likely know they have it on them. Why would you bring a handful of ammo into a country on vacation with no gun or anything? Hell, even if you had a gun, a few rounds isn’t going to do much.
You’re trying to paint it in the worst possible light. Slow down, take a breath, and think about this rationally and objectively for a second. Does this really solve a problem? Is this a good thing for our society? At least one of these people is a parent, do you really think it’s great they lose their parent for 10+ years because of two bullets accidentally left in a bag? I just can’t fathom how anyone sees any justice in this. There’s no requirement that you think so vengefully.
It doesn’t matter who thinks what. There’s a law and it was broken, off you go to jail.
Good thing all laws are ethical, moral and make sense. I imagine everybody on lemmy will agree that laws are the best thing ever that they never break.
Having weapons or ammo on you as a civilian is 100% unethical and immoral.
Sure buddy
This guy fascists
yet when we talk about the morality surrounding selling stupid, violent and dangerous people firearms you get laser focused on literal (MISINTERPRETATION) of a 200yr old document. And your stupidity and support of said stupidity literally results in dead kids, by the thousands.
Tell me again about the morality regarding the cult of the bang bang, please.
That’s fucking hilarious.
“WOULD ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDRIIIIN” argument about someone who loses 12 years of their life and isn’t there to raise them after a single round is found in their baggage. Isn’t that what police do with potheads? Guess that’s justified too
So law and morality are the same?
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Ive travelled over i ternational borders with a dime bag in my luggage that i didnt even know was there until weeks after i got home. Dont be obtuse, there are lots of compartments in luggage whrre something as small as a bullet can hide even if you check the bag. Who the fuck gives a full cavity search to their luggage everyrime they use it?
look man just because you’re apparently a junkie fuckup who can’t control his sensitive items does NOT mean the rest of the world’s standards should be dropped to accommodate your idiocy.
its crazy how these dumbasses keep tattling on themselves like it somehow justifies this shit, isnt it?
real bright lights all around.
“But officer I left my gun in my car”
“I’m an incompetent, careless and entitled asshole, so obviously I’m going to argue real hard for these other incompetent, careless, entitled assholes so I dont have to be held accountable for my own actions!”
It keeps complete morons off the streets and out of reach of firearms.
Because people who completely lack the necessary care and disciplin should not be armed.
You honestly believe that over a decade in prison is a good punishment for this type of accident? We are talking about it possibly resulting in kids being without their parents for the bulk of their childhood. Do you really think society is better off if that happens?
you and I both know they won’t spend a decade in the clink. IF they get sentenced then the state dept will go to work and these jackasses will pay some kind of fine.
Don’t want to go to a jail in a foreign country? Don’t break their fucking laws. It’s really quite simple. And each and every one of these idiots admitted to their crime. Not a single one is innocent.
you and I both know they won’t spend a decade in the clin
I would hope not, but I know nothing of the Turks and Caicos legal system, so it would be extremely presumptuous of me to claim I know that.
IF they get sentenced then the state dept will go to work and these jackasses will pay some kind of fine.
Either they do something now, or after conviction, I don’t particularly care.
Don’t want to go to a jail in a foreign country? Don’t break their fucking laws. It’s really quite simple
This is the whole point, it seems these were completely unintentional violations of their laws. The way you write this makes it sound like they just don’t care about the laws there.
people unintentionally break US laws all the time, yet our system still punishes them. and foreigners who visit and do the same too.
it’s a law system, not a kindness and forgiveness system.
The way you write this makes it sound like they just don’t care about the laws there.
I think the Turks is fucking justified in being upset at the endless line of assholes who KEEP TRYING TO BRING AMMO into their country. It’s not an isolated incident.
people unintentionally break US laws all the time, yet our system still punishes them. and foreigners who visit and do the same too.
Does it really need to be explained that two wrongs don’t make a right? It seems mad to me that one would say “these people should be punished because the us justice system does some things poorly.”
I think the Turks is fucking justified in being upset at the endless line of assholes who KEEP TRYING TO BRING AMMO into their country. It’s not an isolated incident.
They didn’t pass this law because people were unintentionally bringing tiny amounts of ammo into the country, they passed it because the law wasn’t strict enough to punish people smuggling in ammo for gangs. How does one actually convince themselves that they were actually targeting tourists with 10 years in prison because they accidentally bring ammo in the country? Lol
The punishment is first and formost for being terminally stupid. It is high time to stop cuddling the idiots. They broke the law, they should serve. Or do you think that law is just a joke?
Why do you feel people need to spend 10 years in jail for being stupid? And no I don’t think the law is a joke, I think this one is very unjust.
stop cuddling the idiots everyone!! They’re getting far to warm and cozy
I travel a lot, both with and without guns. And ammo has a way of ending up in the weirdest little folds of your backpack and clothes.
Okay, So good on you for admitting you are not capable of keeping track of your shit.
US government still shouldnt be stepping in to protect you from your flagrant disregard for competency.
I live in a socialist haven, would never move to a third world country.
If that’s the case you shouldn’t be trusted with guns and ammo
Never said I’ve lost my ammo or been stopped at the security checkpoint.
I never said that too.
You don’t sound like a very smart person.
You sound like a judgemental cunt
You just keep reinforcing the stereotype
Dumb and tactless. The classic gun-nut combo.
You literally called him stupid. Wasn’t that tactless?
Go read the person’s comments. I think most will agree that their behavior is dumb in every sense of the word. They need to know that. Not that anything will change, but at least they’ve been called out.
Sooo you being tactless is okay, but them doing the same to you isn’t.
That’s why you should treat guns and ammo with care. Have you never learned to count?
You’re funny. I shot tens of thousands of rounds every month, so no, I do not count individual rounds.
The German army shoots more than you do every month, and they do count individual rounds.
Yep we figured that out after your first remark.
I travel with and without. I have bags specifically for firearms and ammo. That way when I travel somewhere that having just one round of 22lr might be an issue I use a bag that never had my firearm stuff. It eliminates the uncertainty.
Kewl. Till one actually slips by and you are getting 10 years in jail for it.
poor, poor persecuted gun nuts. why won’t someone think of the gun nuts?! ah, they’re truly the victims.
lol. go to Caribbean jail
Ah yes, “let’s put them all to death for owning guns” crowd is here.
ah the ‘violate sovereign nation’s laws’ crowd is here.
how many times do you think they should ignore their laws being violated? 3? 5? 12?
Ryan Watson, 40, of Oklahoma, a father of two who was most recently arrested for unknowingly having ammo in his bag on April 12, remains on the island. Both men previously told Fox News Digital that they had the ammo in their bags from prior hunting trips.
Michael Lee Evans, 72, pleaded guilty to having ammunition in his bag on April 24, according to local news outlet the Turks & Caicos Sun. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 18.
What a childish take.
Would America just release tourists who broke their laws?
What is an American law that’s equivalent to this?
Marijuana maybe? I don’t know how strict the guns laws are there but that’s the closest I can think of.
Bring along a Kinder surprise egg into the US and see how understanding and friendly the US legal system is to people who made a honest mistake.
You can bring them back with no issue. It has never been an issue, just a regulatory prohibition on selling them.
Copyright infringement, DRM circumvention, and “hacking.”
See: Aaron Swartz
On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after connecting a computer to the MIT network in an unmarked and unlocked closet and setting it to download academic journal articles systematically from JSTOR using a guest user account issued to him by MIT. Federal prosecutors, led by Carmen Ortiz, later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and eleven violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and supervised release.
oh I can think of tens of thousands of people imprisoned for just holding a tiny bit of weed. bet some of them were mexican, canadian and otherwise foreign citizens, do you think that gave the local yokels pause in putting them in jail? charging them?
I say, keep them an extra week, and let the US gov pay the fine for not noticing on departure.
Well, if people travel into a foreign country and don’t even care about the laws of said country (not in detail, just reading the governmental warnings would have been sufficient), they deserve what happens.
Imagine I would travel to the US and would bring along some Kinder surprise eggs by mistake. Would those governors show mercy to me? I don’t think so.
They should be locked up, maximum sentence. American idiotic laws don’t apply, they are just like everyone else. Criminals that broke the law and smuggled ammo in. Ignorance is not an excuse of the law, American justice system loves that phrase.
Americans complaining about the detention: “My countries’ laws are fine and the very standard of reason. All of you other countries should chill out!”
Jfc you shouldn’t have ammo in luggage. Not surprised they were arrestex6
Does anybody know if these guys have oil?
If I were one of them, the NRA would be the last group I’d want advocating for my release…
Happened in the Philippines around 6-8 years ago, nefarious airport security would intentionally put ammo in a victims luggage with the intention of shaking them for bribe. It lead travellers to wrap their luggage in plastic prior to departure. As far as I know they targeted locals I don’t remember foreign victims.
this is not a shakedown. the perpetrators admitted it and pled guilty. it’s stupid american guntwats who can’t keep track of their sensitive items.
Ah I love this thread, the duality of Lemmy
“I have two bags I use whenever I am going outside my family land, sorry I missed a shell or two from the last time I went huntin, so what, I’m just an American”
“FUCK AROUND FIND OUT!!! One ammo? That’s like 30 pounds of heroin, I hope you go to prison you dumb motherfucker”
The weird thing is that it’s not like loose ammo is dangerous. It doesn’t just “go off”.
Four rounds of ammo? Give them a slap on the wrist and send them home. If it was a box of ammo I’d feel differently. How you get ammo in the luggage is beyond me, but at 4 it was obviously an accident, they are obviously not trying to smuggle weapons in at that point.
How careless do you have to be to just have ammo lying around, unknown to you? Here’s a thought, T&C says they’ll release them if they lose their right to own a gun in the US?
If anything they’ll be celebrated by pro gun groups:
The National Rifle Association on Thursday urged the U.S. State Department to “use every means necessary to return U.S. citizens home to America.”
NRA: “Help us, government that we constantly talk about as an evil entity trying to take away our rights!”
I’m guessing. These ppl are white
When you go into someone’s house, you follow their rules.
Yes and when you punish someone you use a reasonable level of punishment.
Take the ammo and put them on the next flight home. And tell them next time the punishment will be more severe
That’s absolutely what we do when people carry cocaine into America. We take it, escort them to the border, and firmly tell them not to do it again.
I don’t know if you were aware how ridiculous your statement was and were arguing in bad faith but if not… please do realize that smuggling is generally heavily punished.
If the situation occurred here in the states, the person would also be facing jail time. So your logic makes no sense.
Their country, their rules. One bullet can still kill someone. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
So can a fork. They didn’t travel with a gun apparently. Going to have to go shut down every Lowe’s that sells fertilizer, because you could rig it up and make it explode… Like a bullet without a gun.
What the fuck are you on about? Are people traveling with an entire Lowe’s warehouse in their fucking luggage?
Why the fuck would you bring ammo to begin with?
They traveled with their normal bag they go around with in regular life. Lesson: NEVER TRAVEL WITH THE BAG YOU CARRY AROUND DAILY because you will forget what’s in there.
Or don’t carry guns wherever you go like a fanatical vigilante?! You Americans created a problem that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.
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That’s good advice, especially when traveling internationally.
Also when traveling to another country, always check the state department’s travel advisory for your destination(s).
Obviously this is the US state department, but it is still good info and I’d assume other countries have something similar.
Yo the State Department page for Iceland is fucking fire. It warns about pickpockets by telling travelers to be cognizant of “getting jostled”, especially in the capital on weekends because everyone gets drunk then and the jostling risk is higher. What a delightful warning. I’m convinced the pickpockets in Iceland are all the fox version of Robin Hood in Iceland.
Some of the State Department pages go hard as fuck though. Take a look at the one for Russia and watch any sympathy for Britney Grinier or that fucking Army dude evaporate into thin air. Libya’s page is wild and so is Syria’s, which actually says “yeah fam, we shut that fucking embassy down. if you’re idiot ass needs help hit up the Czechs”. Burma (Myanmar) goes pretty hard too, in addition to the risk of kidnapping, wrongful detention, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, etc., there’s the “your prolly gonna step on some uxo and splatter your fucking intestines on your travel partner my dude. stop. don’t go here.”
Or just freaking empty it and only pack what you need. Its hardly difficult.
And yet, this keeps happening so it may actually be difficult.
Difficult. To check your travel bags for ammo.
How low do we set the bar before we blame the individuals?
I’ve never discovered ammunition loose in a bag or pocket. It’s been used or put away safely. Period. Why? Because duh.
Where’d I say that they weren’t responsible? I’m saying I can see how it could happen. It’s unclear why this bothers you.
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You keep ammo in your fucking purse?
I carry a pocket knife and a BIC lighter for utility needs. I have nearly forgotten to take out the pocket knife before leaving for the airport. I have also seen other stories like this, so I decided that my courier bag for travel is not the same one I use daily.
That’s fair - I’ve nearly lost good pocket knives in the same way… but it’s a long way from pocket knives to ammunition.
I don’t have or want a gun. I think they are stupid. I’m just saying that I get how it could happen.
Still isn’t a valid excuse.
I agree that it’s not. But adjusting what you do can protect you from this sort of thing.
Not carrying ammo on an international flight should not require adjusting. It’s common fucking sense.
And yet how many stories like this have we seen this year? A state legislator was arrested over this as well.
Again, common sense. These people were dumb enough to bring ammo on an international flight. These are the consequences.
And if a politician was dumb enough to do the same, finally, a politician faced consequences for their actions.
Fuck no. First rule of travelling is to check your fucking luggage. When you check your bags in you are asked if you packed it yourself and if everything in it is within the rules. It’s no one else’s fault two people are too fucking lazy or stupid to double check before checking their bags in.