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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • In the link that @naught101 shared, Koha is the first suggestion. I configured and deployed Koha to a group of early adopter libraries in Vermont. It’s super powerful and probably has all the features a Stuff Library could ever need. Unfortunately, as you commented, it’s bringing a lot of features unnecessary to a Stuff Library. The built-in OPAC is my favorite part, but the deep customization is a close second.

    As an aside New Zealand just dominates the library FOSS space. It amazes me how any of the big corporate players can even compete. For anyone who wants to put together an online digital library, check out Greenstone.

  • Pure fucking luck applying to an ad on Indeed. I was summarily fired from my previous job under deeply perplexing and seriously odd circumstances. Over the next seven months, I sent out over 800 tailored resumes and cover letters. Job applications were more work than a full time job. In the prior seven months, I had a grand total of 12 actual rejection letters, 2 ghostings, and 1 interview that never got past the first round.

    I applied to an ad that popped up on a Saturday morning and the recruiter called me less than 30 minutes after my application. I thought it was a scam. Turns out the dude is just motivated and deliberately posts his ads on weekends to also find motivated people. Not sure I agree with that bit, but hey, I’m an engineer, not a recruiter.

    So, yeah, the job market is really feeling like a sheer numbers game. FWIW, my whole 35+ year career, I have been accustomed to sending 1 resume or application and getting the job I want. Usually, recruiters, companies, or former coworkers poach me from my employer. There’s been some massive shift in things, and it feels like something intentional to disempowee workers.

  • They were acquired by Opta Group in 2023. Since then, the quality has declined while prices increased. And around the time of their acquisition, they started doing some shady stuff when claiming USB-IF compliance. The cables were blatantly not USB-IF compliant.

    Another example: I personally love my Anker GaN Prime power bricks and 737. Unfortunately, among my friends and peers, I am the exception. The Prime chargers are known for incorrectly reading cable eMarkers and then failing to deliver the correct power. This has so far been an issue for me twice, but was able to be worked around.