My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex. So, is it necessary to teach them how to stay safe in the sea? How to install adblockers, how to detect fake download sites that give you computer aids? Show them how to use a VPN and choosing the right one (a true pirate must always choose a VPN with port forwarding capabilities, so you can still seed) I feel like this is all valuable info we all learned as pirates the hard way, and valuable information to pass on to our kids.
I definitely want my kids to know about libgen. Want a book you want to read about? Wanna learn about dinosaurs from a college level textbook for whatever reason? Just go to libgen, son!
And I attribute most of my computer literacy and education to piracy, trying to install cracks to various games, trying to make games work, and modding the fuck out of skyrim as a young teenager. That, and also jailbreaking android phones. All the interesting things i’ve ever done with computers was probably against some BS terms of service.
So, is piracy something you would actively teach your kids? Sit them down and teach them how to install a Fallout 3 FitGirl repack? Or is this something you’d want them to figure out themselves?
Doesn’t sound like an easy task, perhaps a good start would be teaching them how to tie knots and learn wind direction. Once they are old enough to travel book a vacation to somalia and introduce them to the place, that’s where most of piracy is going on these days
Absolutely. My entire network is behind a VPN, so they can’t fuck up. Windows is banned in my household, so I’m not worried about malware. I’m not paying 20 bucks a month for limited access to the ever shrinking Netflix library, which I can’t even use behind a VPN or share with other people. Piracy is the only way forward.
My spirit animal!
Bro, I’ve started saying this line not that long ago, are we in a hive-mind?
Yup! Better if they don’t make the same mistakes that we did at the start of our journeys at the sea. “Minecraft free download no viruses.exe” etc
I taught my nephew and I wouldn’t see a moral problem on teaching my hypothetical kids how to.
Not a parent yet, so take this with a big grain of salt.
But if I were to talk about piracy from a moral standpoint, I would first talk about stealing. Yes, we all know it’s not the same, and it isn’t, but there will certainly be someone who says it is, and it’s better to clear that out. Besides, there are some parallels.
- Stealing is reprehensible, but extremely so when you steal for someone who much needs it himself. Shoplifting is bad and can lead to serious consequences. Stealing money from a poor person is extremely bad and can’t be justified.
- Stealing is when you take something and the owner doesn’t have it anymore. Piracy ain’t that.
Then a bit on moral and legal grounds of piracy:
- While piracy isn’t stealing, piracy does decrease profits of the rightful owner. When you pirate from someone who does not profit much off something, it’s same as stealing from poor man. Piracy is impactful, and it’s important to remember.
- Piracy may lead to legal consequences, which is why one shouldn’t normally pirate stuff regardless of morality. But if the conditions of rightful ownership (cost, regional or use restrictions etc.) are inadequate, there exists such a way.
And in any case, I think the later you tell your kids about “illegal doesn’t mean bad” the better. Could save a lot of trouble IMO.
YES. My gf made the point that when our kids are young, when their frontal lobe hasn’t developed yet, we will teach them black and white morality. But that’s only half the truth, since stealing from walmart or a big chain has a different moral flavor than stealing some random person’s things. In a way, I acknowledge that piracy isn’t stealing, and carries with it enormous societal benefits, like the freedom of information, but it’s still illegal, and I don’t want them to be OK doing illegal things.
Maybe the perfect solution is to leave out the inconvenient fact that piracy is illegal when teaching them how to pirate. LOL
Taking something from Walmart removes the item. This can increase prices for other shoppers and has consequences.
Duplicating/downloading a movie or a games does not. It just creates an identical copy and removes nothing.
Those are not really two things you can compare. I am totally OK with the latter, I consider the former unlawful. I can still go and buy a license to pirated content if I feel it’s worth it after I consumed it. I guess Walmart would be very confused if you came back to pay for the banana you stole a week ago because you did enjoy it. Might even get you into trouble.
EDIT: And you’re right, it doesn’t make sense that piracy is illegal. The law should be changed. At least the punishment is ridiculous.
Yes but I don’t think comparing piracy to sex ed is a fair comparison. Sex ed is essential because of all the inherent risks that can happen from committing any sexual activity. With piracy, it’s not like getting caught by your ISP will cause life-long pain and trauma while not teaching safe sex can result in STDs, unintentional pregnancy, and assault cases.
Piracy is a great example of a topic where legality and morality aren’t the same.
Those kinds of topics are incredibly valuable teaching moments for children.
I would teach them when they are mature enough. Help them understand why some people think it is wrong, when/why you think it is acceptable, and how to do it safely.
You can teach them the difference between actual theft and copying. Explain how piracy has benefited humanity as a whole, explain why knowledge and cultural experiences shouldn’t be gate kept by mega-corps from underprivileged people.
There are so many valuable lessons that you as parents could pass on to your kids through the topic of piracy.
And as every major platform enshitifies and information of all kinds gets locked behind more paywalls, piracy will become a more and more important skill to have.
If I teach them, they’ll find it boring. Better to be a role model and answer questions if they have them.
I will teach anyone who will listen.
No. I plan on treating it as other adult things. "Oh, you got into this? Well, here is how you protect yourself. "
Computer literacy wise? I hope my daughter gets the curiosity into it. Other things as well. More you know and understand, the better.
While I don’t plan on being a parent, I will say that I did learn a good bit about piracy from my dad when I was younger, which kept me away from obviously shady things and now that I’m older I pretty much have a routine in place for my stuff whereas he doesn’t even use a computer anymore. I think it’s worth it really.
I would not teach them safe piracy but rather safe computer literacy and usage.
Exactly like you said: How to spot fake ads or scams etc…
But if my child would like a book from XYZ and they would pirate it I would question the motive instead of getting it from, for example, a library.
Doing illegal shit out of convenience (like pirating a book instead of showering, getting out and enter a library searching for it) is still illegal. Even if you juat read what you want and put the book back in the shelf.I would also firewall the shit of the little buggers computer. Also no account with admin/sudo rights.
It’s not the result, but the process.
You can teach ppl stuff all you want, but what they really need, is to learn how to figure it out themselves. Otherwise, when the best practices you teach them become obsolete, they won’t be able to create their own.
i would teach my kids that piracy is the natural market force to push corpos and companies into ethically (or at least more ethically) distributing content.
I would also teach my kids that if one were to pirate media, they should also find a way to support whoever it came from directly, assuming it’s a band or small artist, rather than something like a TV show, where it’ll make no difference.
Absolutely. If I had any