Sorry, but usa is indeed very much more evil than most other countries
UK is a monarchy, Italy is ruled by a fascist pm, France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. Are we supposed to buy goods only from corporations in iceland?
Sorry, but usa is indeed very much more evil than most other countries
UK is a monarchy, Italy is ruled by a fascist pm, France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. Are we supposed to buy goods only from corporations in iceland?
No. People should boycott all companies which operates in an evil country
Which countries aren’t evil? I believe we are all on the same boat here that’s why people need to help each other rather than picking up nationalistic fights.
People should focus on boycotting evil corporations in favor of open, sustainable and fair alternatives. Picking a fight against another nation is only taking people away from that objective
Comments like this highlight how much some people are getting brainwashed
MSI had ideology, their founders came directly from RSI and never renegaded the fascist regime
Fascists fought WWII against the allies and lost to them, these people siding with USA make them sound like the perfect renegates.
I don’t think so at all. It’s a speculation of course.
They scream shit all day and then do the opposite, you know they would do it.
With the support of your government.
That has been US and israel government plan for a long time
I agree with meloni coming from a worst background but that background held no real core values too. What ideologies the mafia has? If needed they would even resort to kill children like they have done many times. What i’m trying to highlight to you is that scum simply doesn’t play by the rules. If tomorrow international press were to start shitting on the church this person would do a 360 and change their views like mussolini did with lateran treaty
U.S. halts offensive cyber operations against Moscow
Yes sure thing, the CIA just stopped working and everyone got home…
I’ll ask you the same question in another format: Why aren’t we plastering the internet with pictures of the US president shoving his nose up the ass of every war criminal he ever met?
This person got elected campaigning against EU and is now captaining a EU summit. They campaigned against surrogacy and electric cars and are in bed with elon musk contracting him military infrastructures.
Salvini is opportunistic. He is a fascist when is useful, he is a politics whore, will change in a blink of an eye. Meloni is not.
The current government is a coalition between meloni, salvini and berlusconi party.
“Prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, she was in favour of better relations with Russia and supported lifting sanctions on the Russian Federation in 2014. In 2018, she congratulated Vladimir Putin for his re-election as president. In 2021, she wrote that Russia under Putin defends European values and Christian identity.”
Do your own research
Do you have any concrete example perhaps of areas in which fascist parties in Italy changed positions substantially over the years?
They always do like they are doing it right now
Thanks for sharing your knowledge on drones. By diy i wasn’t talking sourcing every material as if you were stranded on a desert island but rather referring to the modular drones already available. They also have been using rc cars with explosive, while making one from scratch would require an industry the idea is that there’s plenty available already and people if needed can successfully defend themself with what they can source.
No, I think they had ideas. In Italy at least the ideological pillars were quite clear and are the same as they were 100 years ago. Support to industrial class (capital) was a constant and still is. Militarism, religion in politics, nationalism, racial discrimination, anticommunism etc. also.
None of these things were a mussolini constant
So if russia were to be attacked by china would it be ok for them to draft people by force to defend their sovereign territory? If you were someone living in russia would you be ok with putin goons arresting you if you try to leave the country?
The government and invisible lines on the ground are barely holding. In many occasions Ukrainian people managed to defend themself with diy drones duck taped to explosive which proved to be more effective than equipment worth millions dollars.
Thanks for reporting on the draft in russia too. Forced conscription is form of slavery and a violation of human rights, it should be abolished and every person should fight against it and against the governments forcing it on people.
When two countries drafting people by force and not allowing them to leave the country get into a war you get a total disaster where poor people are forced to murder each others. The rulers and government behind these authoritarian polices are criminal and enemies of humanity.
fascism had no ideas neither, their ideas were shifted constantly to whatever suited them best. This person hanged to fascism to get votes and distanced from it once elected to keep votes.
I’m not familiar with South Africa which boycott?