I can’t understand how stupid someone needs to be to listen to this drivel and think “Wow, this guy is a leader! Not just any leader either, the only leader for me!”.
The crazy thing is that you don’t need to cherry pick quotes or take them out of context to make him look like an idiot.
Listen to pretty much any interview or speech and he says something that is clearly idiotic, evil, or a blatant lie. Most likely all three… Repeatedly.
I get that Fox News is a hell of a drug, but just hearing this dipshit speak should shatter the illusion. The unwavering support is mind boggling.
Everything about him is like that. They claim he’s strong and full of vitality too. All you have to do is watch him walking, or drinking water, and you can clearly see that he’s a weakling.
He’s probably got pretty strong back muscles.
Front half of a centaur
Webpage not available
That article made me kinda sad at the end. They start talking about things like “false intimacy displayed through patting shoulders, touching backs etc.”
No wonder so many people don’t like to be fucking touched, and then grow to be touch starved. These fucking ghouls have been abusing it.
Its not him directly. Most of them have only seen him through multiple filters. They are worshipping their golden calf at this point.
“And if I were to die now, they would say it was so my spirit could lead them.”
-Paul Atreides
I’m sorry is this real?
Is what real? The quote? Absolutely.
Maybe the result of US education system
Christians are as fucking stupid as djt it seems
Feeding the children since centuries
As an electrical engineer, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
Don’t forget holy water in your toolbox.
What a loser. Everyone who has watched the Pokemon TV show knows what electricity looks like.
If you really want to feel it you can, very easily. I have its quite the sensation
There’s something I don’t get about the world when someone like Trump isn’t a universal laughing stock.
Sadly, that idiotic oaf is still probably smarter than 25% of the country.
he is starting to sounds more and more like mashing the autocorrect prediction button. Which has always reminded me of how my great grandma spoke before she went non-verbal due to her dementia
In which states are the most Trump voters? Ignorance is the capital of the right wing policy and religion their tool.
As said, it’s logical that he love the poor educated. They are the only which vote him, Billonairs apart.
I think someone told him once that if he ever stopped yapping he would implode
This seems even less hinged than usual, is it real?
Media isn’t reporting his obvious dementia. They call the nonsense he spouts “rambling speeches.”
Some other recent examples:
“We can’t have an election in the middle of a political season. We just had Super Tuesday. And we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already.”
"Gang boong. This is me. I hear bing.”
" I could tell you about aircraft carriers, where they use electric catapults. They couldn’t go to the steam, which works better for about 1/100th the price, you know? The electric catapult, you know that story? I could tell you about the elevators on a tremendous carrier, the Gerald Ford, and they decided not to use hydraulic like the John Deere tractor, they decided to use magnets, ‘we’re gonna use magnets!’ to lift up the elevators with seven planes.”
I probably shouldn’t be amused at a fellow person deteriorating like this, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad about it. ☺
I think that every time that man opens his mouth tbh.
That was significantly more hinged than the meme. He probably set a record for the pace of lies or misleading statements, but he had a coherent message: windmills not made in US, manufacturing them releases fumes, they kill birds, having them nearby decreases home values, etc
Home values could use some lowering.
Other than “manufacturing them releases fumes”, I don’t see how any of these forms a coherent message.
The message is “wind power bad”
I did say “coherent message”.
I don’t know if he has really said that or not. It saus long about the man.
Not exactly, there’s missing context between each sentence. I hate him as much as the next person but the quote is inaccurate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec9P3C1OXqE
Dementia Donald
If one doesn’t understand something, there has never been a time when there were more readily available resources to explain it. If you don’t have time or want to put the effort in to understand it, it is perfectly reasonable to just accept the consensus opinion of people who are experts in that subject. We all have to do that to some extent. The world is too complex to understand everything. Still, this is just incoherent. Not even wrong.
Yup, he definitely belongs in a stable.
Or is “strong and stable”?