Media isn’t reporting his obvious dementia. They call the nonsense he spouts “rambling speeches.”
Some other recent examples:
“We can’t have an election in the middle of a political season. We just had Super Tuesday. And we had a Tuesday after Tuesday already.”
"Gang boong. This is me. I hear bing.”
" I could tell you about aircraft carriers, where they use electric catapults. They couldn’t go to the steam, which works better for about 1/100th the price, you know? The electric catapult, you know that story? I could tell you about the elevators on a tremendous carrier, the Gerald Ford, and they decided not to use hydraulic like the John Deere tractor, they decided to use magnets, ‘we’re gonna use magnets!’ to lift up the elevators with seven planes.”
That was significantly more hinged than the meme. He probably set a record for the pace of lies or misleading statements, but he had a coherent message: windmills not made in US, manufacturing them releases fumes, they kill birds, having them nearby decreases home values, etc
This seems even less hinged than usual, is it real?
Media isn’t reporting his obvious dementia. They call the nonsense he spouts “rambling speeches.”
Some other recent examples:
I probably shouldn’t be amused at a fellow person deteriorating like this, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad about it. ☺
I think that every time that man opens his mouth tbh.
That was significantly more hinged than the meme. He probably set a record for the pace of lies or misleading statements, but he had a coherent message: windmills not made in US, manufacturing them releases fumes, they kill birds, having them nearby decreases home values, etc
Home values could use some lowering.
Other than “manufacturing them releases fumes”, I don’t see how any of these forms a coherent message.
The message is “wind power bad”
I did say “coherent message”.