Hello, all! Longtime lurker on Reddit and now on Lemmy. I’ve tried looking into getting out of the US as things aren’t looking too great as I’m sure many of you know, but wanted some tips from those of us who have gotten out. Where did you decide to move to, and what were the things you looked at when deciding to move there? How did you go about the process? What are some stories you can tell about the immigration process? Where can I start? How can I realistically make it happen? I hope this isn’t silly to you all, as it matters quite a lot to me and I’m genuinely interested in getting away from here for good. Thank you all for your time!
I think everything is going to be fine. The US is not the best country to live in, yes. But there are worse places to go. I really have high hopes for the new generation coming in. The zoomers and millennials will eventually replace the old generation in terms of wielding power and the lot seems to be more into making the lives of their countrymen better.
Why not move to another state? Conditions where you are, are not necessarily the same everywhere. You can try researching for the best states to live in and see if any fits you in terms of your capacity and opportunities. At least you’ll still be in a culture that you are familiar with.
This is entirely dependent on who you are. My wife just had the highest court of the land tell her she has no medical privacy. Sure, right now it 's on state by state basis, but that can change. Every member of the supreme Court said under oath they wouldn’t overturn precident and yet here we are. I have no worries that anything bad will happen to me due to legislation, but I am a white cis male. My wife isn’t. My best friend is a POC. My inner circle is filled with nonbinary and poc. All these people are actually being affected by the “culture wars” in very real and tangible ways. Feeling like it’s all okay right now must be coming from a very privileged and secluded position. Having held multiple people that I love dearly while they cry because their rights were stripped changes your perspective on a lot of things.
Why not stay and fight for it? I truly believe that a lot more people are good and want what’s best for their fellow man. it’s just that there is a vocal minority that skews perspective. The majority is still for the common good whatever their background or religion/beliefs are.
As Mr. Roger’s said, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
There will always be helpers. I hope you won’t abandon your country since it needs all the helpers it can get.
I’m also a minority like your best friend. I have very limited opportunities, for now. But I see helpers in my life believe it or not. I want to fight for them and this country to help make it a better place too.
Things might not be fine. Throughout human history, on scales big and small, many people were not fine. Living in a crumbling empire can be a very ugly business.
Truly, I am happy you see it that way. I do not see it that way, and that’s not going to change until the “debates” our “two” party system have don’t include children having meals, or telling grown ass women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies. Or that gays aren’t human and don’t deserve the same rights as me. It’s disgusting, and I have had enough of it. As to the states suggestion, that’s a reasonable answer and I thank you for it. The issue still lies in the federal government has shown me they do not give a flying fuck about progressing, and instead want us to regress back to the dark ages. I would be at the mercy of some idiot getting elected into that state and doing the same things the rest of the corrupt assholes are doing. Enough is enough.