This will not directly answer your question but while perusing at work I came across , which is a fitness website run like Wikipedia. There are no ads whatsoever. There’s a video library showing how to do tons of exercises. Workout programs can be filtered based on your equipment availability and ability level, and everything is available in a PDF download absolutely free.
Really cool site, give it a look.
Nice, thanks for sharing 😍
Dr. Mike from Renaissance Periodization has a video you may find useful, and he’s legitimately a PhD sports scientist and trainer. It’s not a full program but it’s a good start from a reputable source.
I really wish we had an active fitness community here
I’m not sure if you intended that pun or not, but it worked out.
Edit: I get it now lol
Hey there ! I’m unfamiliard with the content of /r/BodyWeightFitness but if you are looking for guides to exercise and routines aimed at strength, I think you’ll be interrsted in this : Very simple routine with few exercises but A LOT of varitions making it accessible to anyone. Cheers !
Edit: spelling
Also that guy seems like an angel who descended from heaven
I know this was controversial over at /r/BodyWeightFitness, but I had some good results with nick-e’s BWSF program. I did eventually need to modify it and split it up into an A/B routine because doing the full program took too long for me, but what nick-e put together is a really great resource.
I really like Jeff Nippard’s YouTube channel
Not much bodyweight stuff on it though
The Bioneer on YouTube has some pretty good body weight/minimal equipment routines that I have found to be helpful.