One of those games I’m glad I bought at launch, although I’ve fired it up 3-4 times and struggled with the mechanics… it’s nice to know it’s still evolving and I can always start fresh again with the new content. If I wasn’t so deep into Helldivers I’d give it another go right now… but Democracy can’t wait!
Same. I keep picking it up every now and again but it really needs me to put a bit of time into it to understand all the new mechanics since launch. I’ll get to it one day!
I felt this same way until I jumped into the Omega expedition. It was an excellent crash course for all the game offers and I now feel way more comfortable jumping into the base game and doing whatever I feel up to.
Can you still play it? Been a while since I’ve played but last I knew the expeditions were limited-time thingies.
FOMO-leveraging shit needs to stop. All it does is make me not want to touch the thing at all because I know I don’t have the time to do all the things in a season.
NMS isn’t so bad at it, but seriously FUCK the games that leverage it. Almost as bad as microtransactions.
FOMO-leveraging shit needs to stop.
but seriously FUCK the games that leverage it.
No one likes to be manipulated/tricked for someone else’s profit.
I waited to get involved until after the Echoes update last summer, and I truly enjoyed 100+ hours of the game.
It still does suffer from inevitably feeling really empty, with billions of copies of the same 4 different coloured/temperatured planets and 8 creature types, but it was still a heck of an experience.
and struggled with the mechanics…
Are you speaking towards the UI/UX, or the gameplay?
Similar to Glide said above, wanted a space sim and realize it’s more of a survival game. On the opposite end I played a little Elite Dangerous which was WAY TOO INVOLVED space sim!
NMS development is the best redemption arc story in a long time.
The whole situation just made me believe Sean Murray really wanted to make a cool game but he got overwhelmed by the media attention and started running his mouth. Maybe he felt like he had to overpromise and say yes to everything he was asked? Hello Games was still an indie studio before it got all that attention.
If he had done it in bad faith it would have been much easier to cut his losses and run away with the money. Nearly 10 years of expansions wouldn’t come out of it if not for legitimate passion.
It also made their next game announcement pretty funny.
it might just be me but I come back to this game about once a year, play for about 4 hours before feeling like it feels almost exactly the same? I see these huge update drops but they don’t ever feel like anything
Well, with ship customization this game is finished enough for me to play it again.
That was the only thing left keeping me from being interested in the game. Finally, ship customization. Finally.
As someone who wanted to love Elite Dangerous but couldn’t get behind the grind and monotony of it, would this game be worth getting now?
Ehhh, maybe. While the game is so much better than it was at launch, it’s still pretty sandboxy and repetitive. I found myself dropping it after I realized I was trying to build bases to get better at gathering resources to make money to buy bigger ships to make more money to… What exactly?
Yea Elite Dangeous is kind of the same, you have to make your own objectives or you’re just running missions to make money to buy ships to be more efficient at those runs and eventually even bigger ships to make more money.
There is at least a couple of core storyline loops that I think are fairly engaging, besides just setting your own goals.
Unrelated but this is why I stopped play BotW after the first boss temple thingy.
If you don’t like grindy monotony it is not the game for you.
I would say I do to an extent, but elite dangerous solo is pretty egregious i just feel really confined even though you can get out of your ship now. If there were a few more things to do it would check all of the boxes such as things you could do in NMS like build bases, etc. And plus the ship customization is strictly internals and you don’t have the ability to change the overall look of your ship besides skins.
I’ve on/off played this game for way too long. If you can get past the initial slow start, and I’m talking at least two hours of gameplay, then you’ll find things begin opening up. This expanding of the gameplay applies to equipment, ships, battles, exploration, and mechanics in general. It’s a game that has become a fantastic experience and yet along the way sort of forgot about that initial experience, which could be expedited significantly without much loss.
That said, if you struggle to make challenges for yourself and often end up aimlessly wandering til you get bored without some direction, I would hesitate to grab NMS. Go watch a recent Let’s Play may be the best idea to get a handle on whether it fits your preferences.
I felt the same way about E:D, and I also enjoyed No Man’s Sky quite a bit.
One thing I loved about Elite was the collection of mini games. Navigating through the space station to your landing pad, finding a suitable patch of surface to touchdown on a planet, having to fight or yield to a supercruise interdiction, they all came together to make Elite feel like a driving game where your vehicle happens to be a spaceship.
In No Man’s Sky landing and takeoff are achieved with a singular button press. And the ship combat is there to check a box. The game is mostly about taking pics of flora and fauna and digging trenches in planets for minerals.
Yea, I would have to agree wholeheartedly that the ship flying is awesome in Elite. The ambiance is great, such as the creaking of the ship when in hyper drive. I guess the games are two different kind of space Sims. If what you’re telling me is accurate about NMS then Elite is probably better for me in the long run, I just wish I had a friend who would actually play it with me and make space a little less lonely - I guess I would have the same problem in either title come to think of it.
Each to their own. I’ve played both and I found elite to be very “space truck driver…ey”. Personally, I want to spend my time exploring solar systems and not decelerating to space stations. NMS also has rich and meaningful planetary exploration and not a hollow imitation afterthought.
Due to the depth of NMS, I wouldn’t even put them as comparable. One is an award winning best seller that’s having yet another huge free update just to make the fans happy, the other is free on playstation plus because no one will buy it.
Yea that’s kinda what I was getting at in my comments on here, maybe not necessarily this comment you replied to, but elite definitely had the ship aspect of the game down, it feels so good to fly around, bur you’re totally right in how you called it a space trucking feel. That’s where I get tired of it even if you can get out of your ship with the expansion now. With all of the comments here I think I’ll wind up buying it here soon and giving it a whirl.
Yeah, for the most part ship flying is better in Elite. Especially travelling long distances. But I still enjoy it in NMS for the most part.
For me, yes. Its an award winning best seller. Its also dirt cheap and a labour of love for all the scifi they enjoy. They listened to what their players wanted and just … did it, like a bunch of psychopaths.
It also has one of the most meta storylines I’ve ever seen in a game. For me, its a very special game and as close as anyones come to the space game I always wanted growing up.
Its not for everyone of course. But, if its your kind of thing, it’ll really work for you. Honestly, if anyone choses to play it, id recommend getting a buzz going on whatever poison you’re into, don’t Google any of it fot a bit and let it unfold as you play. Part of the game is figuring out the game.
No. Every single gameplay mechanic in NMS is shallow and made by someone incompetent on game design.
The engine runs well and it’s a weird giant sandbox and it gets tons of grindy cosmetic content updates. But the actual game aspects are terrible.
EDIT: Disagree? Name one game mechanic that’s designed well compared to other games.
Though, flying a ship in VR is pretty dope.
That’s cool, but isn’t it also true of Elite?
Also I felt like halfway into the game there was nowhere good to go in my cool ships. I mostly went between my settlement and freighter.
I’m not sure about Elite, but I think I was saying that more to your point than against it.
When I first got the game I had about 50-60 hours into it before I started getting bored. I spent most of that time farming eggs to sell and hanging out in space ports waiting for cool ships to arrive. I’ve come back a few times after updates but it always felt monotonous. All that’s really left is it’s a cool VR tech demo, as long as you only want to fly ships (which is pretty cool, but gets old fast).
this game came out in 2016 btw
kudos HG! grah!
Do you guys do anything other than to pile on to shit on this game? Shit on Star Citizen? Shit on buying anything ever? Shit on Sean Murray and how naive he just was and you would just do such a better job right?
Thought this would be a cool place to talk about games. How do you not have any awareness that [removed for civility]
Makes sense though since Linux is [bad word] at running games unless you have a Steam Deck.
I recently switched my laptop over to pop os and I’ve had no issues running the games I want to play using Lutris. Hell I’d argue Linux runs old games better than windows because of lutris. I have a few games I tried running on windows 10 and no matter what I did the game would insta ctd. But after switching and installing them using a lutris config I’ve actually been able to play those games. I even thought for sure I’d lose some of the functionality of my laptop (key lights, touch screen, something) but nope it all worked straight after install.
Linux has come a long way since I last tried it ~15 years ago
Please stay civil (rule 2).
If you come across such comment, please reply to them instead of OP, maybe you will start some interesting debate instead of just try to stir conflict in the community.
Sorry, edited
Still out of context.
If this was a reply calling on someone baselessly criticizing the game, I’d allow it, but OP just posted an article that doesn’t even criticize the game.
Still, thank you for your edit.
There was just too many derivative comments to choose from. I didn’t want to make it personal with someone. This was not directed at OP I thought (perhaps incorrectly) that that would be clear.
If you find one that seen interesting to debate upon, reply to it.
For the other, don’t waste your time on them and just downvote.The vote system was made for this reason.
Removed by mod
and we don’t need games anyway as they’re unproductive
So you come to a games community to shit on games and brag about how your shitty OS doesn’t play them?
Make it make sense
Please stay civil (rule 2)
Wow finally!
I remember when this game was a dumpster fire. Is it actually a video game now?
Yes. But last time I played it (which was admittedly, idk, 2 years and something like 10 major updates ago now ? These guys just don’t stop), barring a few exceptions the gameplay was all breadth and no depth. You could do a ton of different things but after you had done a thing once, every other instances of the same activity would feel extremely samey
Edit: I should point out that I’m very much ok with repetition if the gameplay is deep enough to keep me interested. I have easily played various horde shooter games for a total of ~2500 hours. Not including the ~800 hours in Warframe, where the gameplay isn’t even that deep, but still interesting enough to make the grind for new toys bearable.
Yes, for a while now.
Yeah. Kind of.
Some people have already given their take, so I’ll add to it:
The game has a couple of hours of actual, fun content. After those couple of hours you’ll start to notice that everything is the same. Oh sure, the creatures and plants are made of different parts, but that’s as far as the differences go. Every planet has the exact same pattern, every system has a space station with the exact same functions, so eventually it really feels like exploration doesn’t matter. Which kinda sucks for a game that’s supposed to be about exploration.
I’ve always said that exploration would’ve been far more impactful if the universe of No Man’s Sky had just a bit more realism in it. This would mean most planets would be frozen iceballs or low atmosphere dustballs with no life on them. This would make discovering a planet with life on it quite momentous. It would also eliminate the problem of quickly finding out all life on every planet is exactly the same.
Playing this on the playstation vr2 is mind blowing.
I’ve played through the game a few times and am at it again in VR. A good use of the $60 I probably spent for it.
I am still salty about equipment/cargo slots overhaul…
Why’s that? Haven’t really kept up with the updates recently.
It’s not recent update but basically your ships gear slots - weapons, shields, landing gear, etc - and cargo slots were 1.
This way you could do interesting builds.
Ship which has all slots filled with ships equipment and your big ship is for cargo, etc.
Right now you have dedicated cargo slots and dedicated equipment slots. Ofc they are smaller than when they were combined…
I would have been happy with the change if they dropped the slot system entirely for cargo now that it serves no purpose (equipment gets bonuses based on slot and adjacent gear, cargo does not). For some unfathomable reason they kept the manual slots for cargo and it makes finding anything specific in a large cargo hold a nightmare.
This is compounded by their terrible crafting system where you have to manually pick every single component of a recipe rather than just clicking on the recipe and having it grab stuff from cargo for you. Cargo should have been turned into a sortable list like in nearly every other RPG.
The inventory has been one of the primary sources of complaints since day one, but despite several major overhauls they haven’t fixed the core issues, just made it slightly less inconvenient to use each update.
I might try this again when I get home
Does it have proper roomscale VR yet?