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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • And they say you guys are humourless!

    I wasn’t being too serious tbh. However, as we’re here, I feel like fairytales might have been around a little bit longer than nazis.

    You should read about how the Franks “christianised” German saxons and then cross reference that with the time period those kinds of fairytales come from, as we’re swapping reading ideas. It’s just a guess on my part of course.

    Apologies for interrupting your work.

  • Burned alive for using the wrong sewing technique / burned alive for worshiping the wrong god or maybe the “right” God but, in the wrong way, who knows?

    Either way, somehow, someway, the idea of being burned alive for not following rules seems to be almost literally burned deep into the Germanic saxon psyche.

    They’re not a humourless people. They’re just terrified someone might catch them not working or following the rules and laughing isn’t working.

  • Thats understandable and I think I arrive at the same point. All be it from a slightly different way. I have no faith in us doing anything to change it because no one likes the answer.

    What do you feed an insatiable monster who can absorb any weapon you throw at it and poops out planet killing gas?

    As little as possible.

    What does capitalism actually feed on?

    Human labour.

    Specifically human labour, above and beyond what we need to live and have a comfortable life. The problem is, you can’t have super rich without vast amounts of excess, toxic, forced labour.

    The answer has always been the strategic refusal of work. The problem is, you might as well tell people that the way to salvation is punching babies in the face because work is now as much a god as anything else we’ve had in human culture.

    Want to sit around and do nothing to save the planet?

    Well, now you can.