Because what the US considers left (universal health care, helping the poor, school lunches and affordable education) is considered middle of the road normal stuff in Europe and other developed countries.
Even the historical, biggest right wing party in Denmark would not remove any of the things you mentioned, except school lunches.
A lot of people have left-leaning economic views ( tax the rich ) but there’s basically no political or media representation of those views. ( because the rich run the media and government )
This is the correct answer.
There is social liberalism to satisfy mainstream liberalism but there is little to no representation on behalf of fiscal liberalism.
Google the term Overton window
Other people have already posted good answers so I just want to add a couple things.
If you want a very simple, concrete example: Healthcare. It depends on how you count, but more than half the world’s countries have some sort of free or low cost public healthcare, whereas in the US, the richest country in the history of countries, that’s presented as radical left wing kooky unrealistic communist Bernie idea. This isn’t an example of a left-wing policy that we won’t adopt, but of what in much of the world is a normal public service that we can’t adopt because anti-socialism in this country is so malignant and metastasized that it can be weaponized against things that are just considered normal public services almost like roads in other countries.
A true left wing would support not just things like healthcare, but advocate for an economic system in which workers have control over their jobs, not the bosses. That is completely absent.
Also, this meme:
It’s glib, but it’s not wrong. Both parties routinely support American militarism abroad. Antimilitarism in favor of internationalism has been a corner stone for the left since the left began.
in my world, that’s called same shit different pile.
also,while i am no right wing supporter, i constantly run into leftist who wouldn’t hesitate to brand me a phobe of their convenience ,none of the right leaning people i interacted with does this… anecdotal i know.
Yeah, but no one lives in your world but you. In the real world, you’re so hilariously off the mark.
i constantly run into leftist who wouldn’t hesitate to brand me a phobe of their convenience ,none of the right leaning people i interacted with does this… anecdotal i know.
Maybe the leftist has a point because you actually align with the right? Crazy, I know, but I’ve seen this argument play out irl more than once with some rightoids that loved to pretend their politics weren’t right aligned.
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hey, whatever floats your boat.
sometimes it’s ok to disagree on things and be on our merry ways.
have a good day 😊
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hey,if you felt triggered because i chose not to use euphemisms,i am sorry you felt that way.
george carlin was quite spot on in his observations regarding the use of language in america.
have a good day 😊
“I constantly complain about anyone left of Thatcher and have reactionary social views, the people who agree with me don’t criticise me. Curious!”
that’s a strange observation,given i actually criticise both left and right rather than just the left.
Uh huh, of course.
So it’s pronouns right? that’s what’s got you worked up?
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You just confirmed its pronouns.
i just confirmed i don’t care about pronouns unless you want to make it so.
Because all the true is gone.
There’s no leftist party, nothing Socialist in the least. The furthest “left” you go is the DNC, which is liberal, and therefore right wing. The furthest right you go is the GOP, which is fascist.
Compared to the rest of the first world countries, our farthest left candidates are relatively moderate.
Examples of true left would be codeterminisn in Germany and banning tuition fees in Finland.
Politics is about power structures. Both of America’s parties support the same structure, capitalism.
If the party I vote for in Germany would be one in the US they probably would be banned for being communists or something like that while here they’re a widely accepted part of the goverment.
Which party is that?
A few years ago I would have agreed with this statement. But lately, I’ve seen a change described in several press articles and news pieces. The younger generations in the US demand true social justice and aren’t afraid to say they’re socialists, against capitalism or consumerism. It’s a burgeoning revolution of course, since the establishment is still in control of traditional political parties. But this crack in the old broken system could bring about positive change in the long run. At least I hope so.
Keep it polite people. 🙂
It’s simple really : the US left is liberal, thus it is not truly the left.
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Well, that’s not true.
We say it because both US parties are very similar, and both of them are very right leaning compared to the rest of the western world.
It also indicates that’s there’s no democracy in the US, because there’s only really one choice.
Deleted because nobody can read, apparently.
America’s “left” isn’t actually left. Actual far left is communism. There is no communist party of any importance in the US
Which major US party is far left (on a global political scale)? I must have missed them somehow.
Our Overton Window is crazy right at this point.
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Deleted because people can’t fucking read, apparently.
I was literally saying the exact same thing as what is in the replies.
I’ll simplify:
USA no have real left party. Real far left party communism. No American communists. America bad. Communism good.
Do I pass the purity test now?
Way to ruin a discussion and appear even worse than you did while discussing. How old are you?
There was no discussion. There was me saying “America has no communist party” followed by several people saying “you’re wrong, there’s no far-left party in America”
It was a giant misunderstanding and distraction, not a discussion
Ok. You still ruined the thread by removing your replies. This is disrespectful of the ones you had the misunderstanding with and any others joining in afterwards.
… Why would I allow a misunderstanding to be perpetuated? People don’t have a right to read something just because it was there at one time. And it kept happening because people were only reading one comment in isolation without reading the prior context. Like, I replied with “in this context one of those is far left and the other is far right” and a third person came in with “there is no far left in us politics” which is exactly what I was saying, they just failed to read the prior comments.
It was only getting worse so I simply decided to stop it from progressing because I wasn’t about to sit there explaining over and over again the same damn thing.