if reddit has alot of right wing bullshit, that’s because the left wing bullshitters moved to lemmy.
Fuck the right and left wing nutjobs.
if reddit has alot of right wing bullshit, that’s because the left wing bullshitters moved to lemmy.
lemmy = overly left reddit = overly left with shit tons of edgelords truth media = overly right
all of the above have edgelords who randomly bans people who do not align with their personal ideology or the current populist horseshit.
how about reporting mods for pandering to populist ideas and banning people for comment that doesn’t alight with their own personal ideology?
fuck if i care.
then i support israel in whatever they are doing to eliminate terrorists,including occupying lands where it can be used by said terrorists. whatever means necessary,whether it’s in accordance to UN resolution or not.
do you condemn Palestine’s state sponsored terrorism??
yes or no?
anything else is just hogwash and terrorist sympathies.
Palestine state sponsored terrorism,do you condemn it or not??
anything else is just you being a terrorist sympathiser.
what does it fucking matter to you?
omg…the edgelords there makes razorblades look blunt by comparison…
damn,i didnt know they existed…i hope it’s not an echo chamber and having overly sensitive mods getting offend at everything.
lemmy also have shit tons of left wing nut jobs, lets not leave them out.
last i checked arabs have been stealing lands from each other, including jewish lands.
if you wanna call jewish people thieves,maybe ensure the arabs aren’t thieves themselves.
maybe stop harbouring terrorists and you won’t get bombed by israel pre-emptive strikes??
i have no love for these terrorists but if they are all gathered at one place…i can deal with the diplomatic fallout later.
cue left wing nutjobs blaming israel for it in 3…2…1…
lol,cope and seethe.
ubisoft stock price plummeting,black myth wukong having more players than star wars franchise,game with DEI rubbish tanking or having little to no players,yea majority have spoken alright.
last time i wrote something similar to yours,the left wing nutjobs came rushing in,guns blazing.
god damn wokies.
they can start by just making games as gamers want it,not inserting lame ass political agendas in their games or hire politically correct nutjobs to determine how games should be inclusive.
so when will skynet emerge??
correction, Americans, with their social media decided to infect the world with their woke ass bullshit that makes the far right look sane.
the rest of the world hopefully is resilient to their horseshit,especially the woke horseshit.