- Russia plans to increase its troops along its border with NATO, Lithuania’s prime minister said.
- Ingrida Šimonytė said Russia is returning to a Cold War posture and Europe needs to be prepared.
- Estonia also warned that Russia may double its troops along NATO’s border compared to 2022 figures
Surely they are running out of troops. How many people do they have to toss at the grinder?
Probably around 80 million, give or take
Here’s my prediction for historical purposes:
- In the next 10 years the three Baltic nations will be invaded
- it’s done via North West Russia, Belarus and Kaliningrad simultaneously
- This leaves only the tiny border with Poland to defend for those states if it’s successful because subs are gonna sub any coastal attempt at a D-Day
- Tactical, low yield nukes will be used to deter future responses because NATO has shown a strategic weakness on their desire to avoid escalation
- It’s coordinated with an invasion of Taiwan to spread the West thin
That’s it. That’s my prediction based on having lived through the cold war and being interested in history.
I really fucking hope I’m wrong.
I agree that’s probably the plan.
The problem with that plan is that nuclear NATO countries have a very clear policy of launching in case of a NATO country being invaded. And nobody expects a nuke not to be met with more nukes.
Russian subs are shit. And won’t be able to stop Western naval power.
Every warm water Russian port is well within bombing range.
The US is setup to fight a two front war. And it’s not even on a war production footing.
We’re under no obligation to strike back in the Baltics. We could easily snap an alliance with Ukraine, and unleash the F-35 and B-21 on that very large front. Russian supplies, and command, will cease to exist over night. And their front lines shortly thereafter. Their Air Force couldn’t get superiority against Ukraine. They aren’t going to last five minutes against the US Air Force and Navy. (The Marine planes will be busy teaching the Chinese the same lesson)
I am woundering when russia decides to use tactical nukes in Ukraine. - the way they are gonnna spin the last terrorist attack( assuming its not an inside job…prob is.) sure does not give me warm fuzzy feelings about their desparation…
I feel like it’s an inevitability, personally. They’ll call it territorial defense, given their claims on Donetsk and Luhansk and / or in the opening shots of a NATO war to show they mean business.
That’s a fun idea. I’m guessing they got some kind of guarantee from China that they won’t just walk into Vladivostok?
It doesn’t matter if you’re pro Murica or pro Russia. It’s a bit disingenuous to say Russia is arming the border! When the border has literally moved thanks to the Nordic countries getting into NATO and no longer being neutral.
For example if Russia and Mexico formed an alliance, then the US lined the Mexican border with guards, tanks, anti aircraft, etc… That would make defensive sense. It also would not be fair to be portrayed as “USA returning to Mexican American War of 1848 posture, tripling troop counts on the border”. No it’s a very predictable and publicly shared outcome of a very predictable and publicly occurring series of events.
the border has literally moved thanks to the Nordic countries getting into NATO and no longer being neutral
angrygoose.jpg Why are they now in NATO? It couldn’t possibly be because:
- After decades of ‘status quo’ Nordic neutrality was respected by all sides, Russia upsets that balance by…
- Invading Ukraine in violation of the Minsk treaty, having guaranteed Ukraine’s independence if it gave up the leftover Soviet nukes
- Russian rhetoric from the highest level of government has regularly consisted of nuclear Sabre rattling and talk of ‘reunification’
Given how Putin has gone complete clown show into revanchist ideology and is trying to restore the Russian Empire, it’s completely logical for the Nordics/the world to seek alliances for protection.
Actually this makes it even worse. These countries joined NATO because they feared Russian aggression. Russia responds by… Putting soldiers on the border. Russia has basically proven the other countries had well-founded reasons to join NATO.
You know what the correct response would have been here? Doing nothing. By taking action, they proved the Baltic states right.