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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m in Duke energy territory and the past few years they have been really getting their act together. It doesn’t make it better than a coop model but they have been extremely proactive about clearing trees and anything else that would interfere with the lines as well as adding new capacity to the existing lines, adding/upgrading/replacing poles that are holding more weight than they should, etc.

    I meant to mention in another comment that I was utility locate tech for a couple of years so in addition to my standard geek creds, I have a deeper understanding of this and see it from a different angle than the average citizen.

    Personally we are planning on getting some solar panels installed hopefully this year or early next year, that along with a large enough battery and a v2h adapter (when it becomes an option for my car) will make us virtually immune to outages.

  • That isn’t over construction, that’s under production of electricity. My city has a literal fuck ton of manufacturing all over and we have no rolling black outs and very little outages even with most of the lines above ground. We do get our power from a nuclear plant so that definitely helps.

    A lot of these energy issues are hyper local. Texas for example is the worst in the country for maintenance, price, outages, etc and it’s not solely because of the weather.

  • It is extremely expensive and arduous to bury lines that have been aerial for decades. The cost to bury existing lines is exponentially greater than the cost to keep fixing them as needed for decades. New lines are sometimes buried depending on whether it’s an upgrade to existing infrastructure, power going to a new neighborhood, etc.

    Do yourself a favor and look into exactly what it would take just to get approval from the city, county, etc and right of way from the various owners of land where you want to bury them. Not to mention the hell that would cause for traffic when you have to shut down roads to go under them or worst case tear them up and replace them.

    I am not giving the utility companies a pass here but it’s not as easy as some people seem to think it is.

  • rdyoung@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world-----
    11 months ago

    That’s the difference between us. I’ve always found a way to get by and any work place or so called boss that wasn’t worthy of my time or energy, didn’t get that investment.

    Maybe I was just raised different but I am more than willing to tell someone to fuck off if/when its needed, it of course starts more diplomatically than a literal middle finger but I was never afraid to escalate to an actual “fuck off, I’m out of here” when it was needed. It’s one reason why I work for myself, I only have myself and my bills to answer to.

    There is a growing movement towards unions and other forms of collective bargaining. If you want to keep being afraid of your own shadow, that’s fine but don’t you dare do others the disservice of pushing them away from taking control of their own destinies.

  • You need to find the right stores/brands to support.

    2 examples that my family stand behind and preaches from the mountain tops.

    Costco. They as a retailer stand behind all of their products and take virtually everything back with little to zero questions. Pharmacy and optical is worth the price of admission alone. Make sure you have storage for some of the stuff you end up buying but if you are smart about it, it’s worth the run every 4-6+ weeks.

    Duluth. Purveyor of fine clothing and unlike carhartt, Duluths stuff actually stands up to being used and abused. If you watch for deals and clearance you can get some damn good clothes at a decent price. Bonus for the female shaped beings out there, Duluth is the only one we have found that has womens clothing with actual pockets, including cargos.