- Russia plans to increase its troops along its border with NATO, Lithuania’s prime minister said.
- Ingrida Šimonytė said Russia is returning to a Cold War posture and Europe needs to be prepared.
- Estonia also warned that Russia may double its troops along NATO’s border compared to 2022 figures
Here’s my prediction for historical purposes:
That’s it. That’s my prediction based on having lived through the cold war and being interested in history.
I really fucking hope I’m wrong.
I agree that’s probably the plan.
The problem with that plan is that nuclear NATO countries have a very clear policy of launching in case of a NATO country being invaded. And nobody expects a nuke not to be met with more nukes.
Russian subs are shit. And won’t be able to stop Western naval power.
Every warm water Russian port is well within bombing range.
The US is setup to fight a two front war. And it’s not even on a war production footing.
We’re under no obligation to strike back in the Baltics. We could easily snap an alliance with Ukraine, and unleash the F-35 and B-21 on that very large front. Russian supplies, and command, will cease to exist over night. And their front lines shortly thereafter. Their Air Force couldn’t get superiority against Ukraine. They aren’t going to last five minutes against the US Air Force and Navy. (The Marine planes will be busy teaching the Chinese the same lesson)
I am woundering when russia decides to use tactical nukes in Ukraine. - the way they are gonnna spin the last terrorist attack( assuming its not an inside job…prob is.) sure does not give me warm fuzzy feelings about their desparation…
I feel like it’s an inevitability, personally. They’ll call it territorial defense, given their claims on Donetsk and Luhansk and / or in the opening shots of a NATO war to show they mean business.