Thats exactly how it works right now…really interested to see how they plan to use this…
Thats exactly how it works right now…really interested to see how they plan to use this…
This boox palma is a thing… https://shop.boox.com/products/palma not sure how good of a phone it is though
Or they want to actually have something that has a chance of working before doing it again…I doubt installing one of these things is a walk in the park and every install carries a high risk … I sure hope patient #2 is getting something with a possible fix…
I’m sure china is trying to use russia as a bargaining chip. So its in thier inerest to keep the russian war going, while milking what ever they can get from europe/usa. I just wounder what they think they will get from eruope/usa. Or be offered to stop supporting russian war effort?
I am woundering when russia decides to use tactical nukes in Ukraine. - the way they are gonnna spin the last terrorist attack( assuming its not an inside job…prob is.) sure does not give me warm fuzzy feelings about their desparation…
This sound like a take from some one who never tried vr games or used a vr headset… Once you use even current quest 2/3 you will quickly realize the possibilities and advantages vr can have…the issue is the tech is still not quiet there yet for average consumer (and it was not even close for last 20 years for sure)…we need better compact graphics processing units, and denser screens with better optics designs…these will all happen in time. Assuming we don’t die from global warming or ww3. Once the hurdle of high cost/low dpi/relatively limited processing power of now is overcome, vr/ar will be defacto standard for PC gaming and work, as using fixed screens will be inefficient/more expensive. I would use my quest pro for work if it had 40% higher dpi/clarity and I cn easily see the tech getting there in 2-3 years time. Mobile GPU power will take a decade to run games with graphics of today ( I am referring to stand alone headsets, as pcvr is to cumbersome for casual gaming, this will improve with better software and wifi development but wifi 6 is bearly good enough today, so we likely see wifi7 come along and usher in dedicated headsets with console coupling (e.g. wireless VR headset + PlayStation ) (better mobile processors for faster decoding will help a ton as well). Vr/Ar will continue to grow and once it gets critical mass will explode as we are seeing with electric cars.
I remember being at aiche conference in 2018 I think, and there was a keynote speaker that helped draft the Paris agreement, talking about need to reduce co2 emissions and how they got their projections. Thus speaker was followed by speaker (VP of production or something) from Chvron or Shell and they basically presented that they see minimal to no change in oil demand or production, EVs will minimally reduce global consumption of oil and effectively for next 100 years they project business a usual for the most part…it was extremely depressing as I believe projections Shell/Chevron as they have the power behind them to maintain them, while the scientific community has to convince the average public to enact laws… Depressing…
I mean what do ppl expect, it looks like it has normal road tires and weighs probably at 5 k pound… Any truck with that weight/tire setup would struggle…not defending tesla but the expectations are quiet off…
Unfortunately all other agencies seem to be going along with it. DOE, said they will honor all the terms…