• Donjuanme@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    People who seemingly have all the time in the world to troll forums and make what could be happy places toxic. There aren’t enough positive people with spare time to keep a forum active and attractive compared to how little time it takes to turn something into a cess pit.

      • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Steam and lemmy are my go-tos these days, probably thirty minutes a day. Yet I see the same people in every thread promoting negativity. (My block lists are in the hundreds for both sites, but once they finally incur the wrath of moderation they just make a new account)

  • dan1101@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Litter. Feels like a lot is people irresponsibly not securing the trash they’re hauling, but also a lot is people just purposely throwing it on the ground. Stop that you fools, you’re making the world worse for everyone. No one wants to see your beer cans and McDonald’s wrappers laying around.

  • xkforce@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Being ignored and/or argued with about something that I have the credentials and experience to understand better than the person arguing with me. Especially if all they do is regurgitate what chatGPT or their favorite political figure said instead of their own thoughts and opinions. Look dude, you’re unarmed and I am giving you one chance to walk away before I violate the geneva conventions.

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Pain. 10 years of constant pain and the inability to do anything about it while everything and everyone moves forward around me. The helplessness is annoyingly demeaning. Having no one capable of even a complete diagnosis of the problem. The imbeciles that do not understand the complexities of disability. The inability to tell someone what real pain is like. Right now I have shingles. People talk about this being painful. The inflammation makes my real pain a little worse, but the the skin stuff; I don’t even register that. Breaking ribs made me feel better. Breaking my scapula in 3 pieces was a minor nuisance of not lifting my arm for a few weeks. Real pain is WAY beyond these things. Real pain is when you can’t hear your inner voice over the white noise at all. When your only choice is to lay in bed and hope that next month will be better. It is not having slept more than 3-4 hours every day in the last 2 weeks. It is not having slept more than 5-6 hours per night in the best case in 10 years. It is being totally alone and watching the world crumble around you. That is what I find annoying.

  • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    People who don’t understand that the left lane is for passing and that you need to move over when you’re not passing.

    It’s so frustrating to be driving behind someone who is going the same speed as the person next to them on a two-lane road.

  • spittingimage@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When someone discovers me performing some little task and starts telling me how important it is to do the task. Go away. Tell someone who’s not doing the task.

  • rustyfish@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Colleagues who start a conversation 0.5 seconds into silence. Dude, I am working, you are working, our tasks are not related, don’t start with smalltalk. Hell won’t spill into real space when we just stfu for a couple of minutes.

  • When : person A and person B are coworkers, or family, or otherwise established with each other. Person A asks me directly to do something. I have no reason not to, so I comply. Person B then comes up to me, IRATE, does not just ask me why I did such a thing, but lectures and belittles me and my judgment as well. Person A does not step up, and if I “throw person A under the bus” then person B doubles down on why I still shouldn’t be doing it.

    This has happened to me since I was a child. I am now 37, and ultimately just don’t give a fuck if someone asks me to do anything weird unless it’s in fucking writing. I’m so pissed off even writing this AAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK YOU SHAUNA

  • ramsgrl909@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    1. Do not make a 30 minute meeting with me if it can expressed in a few sentences via email.

    2. If you are trying to rely information to me via email, keep it simple. No need to write a novel to essentially tell me the new data will go in production next Wednesday - just say what’s happening and when. 1 sentence.