Nope! Just decided to be a disappearing asshole for 36 hours and come back like nothing happened.

edit: thanks to all for the different perspectives. he is fixed, has all of his shots, and has his own temperature contolled kitty condo (aka the laundry room) that we put him into every night. we have a pretty good network of neighbors and pieced together his activities via security cameras. he’s a mouser for sure and that is his job until he decides to retire.

    1 year ago

    I’m glad your void came home! A couple years ago our void disappeared and we panicked; we printed posters and put them all over the neighborhood and dropped them in mailboxes. A couple days later, we walk In and he slinks in the cat door like he was never gone.

    I will say, he smelled musty, and we suspect he got trapped in a neighbor’s garage. He disappeared Friday night, when somebody came home from work, and reappeared Sunday night.

    Still nerve wracking though.

    1 year ago

    We lost ours for I wanna say 3 months. We had done everything, posters, nextdoor Facebook, craigslist, you name it. He was super old, and mostly an indoor cat at that point in his life. After a couple of months we just gave up on finding him. Then my wife gets a random text from this lady saying she thinks she found him. She goes on to say she found my wife’s listing on which was a super random site someone told us to make a listing on, I was at work at the time n grabbed a box from the receiving area n cut a bunch of holes in it n headed to her house, but I was super doubtful that it was the same cat.

    She was a solid mile or so away. I get there and sure enough, it was him. He smelled awful, and all his fur was matted to shit. My theory is my cat got scared and ran into or fell in a storm drain and got stuck because the lady’s house was right next to the creek that those fed into. We had the vet check him out n she warned us that a lot of cats that go on similar journeys don’t last long after because their kidneys go. He unfortunately was no exception. He made it another few months, but he had lost most of his weight, and he was in rough shape. We were super grateful that the lady found him and he got to spend his last days with us though.

    1 year ago

    We snuck our cat into our apartment skirting the lease. About 4 years in, they noticed our cat. We were given the ultimatum, pay $500 by the end of the week, or get rid of him by the end of the week. I was absolutely devistated, but we had no choice but to rehome him. We found a nice family across town to take him in. They would send us updates for about a week until he ran away.

    About 6 or 7 months later, I’m watching TV with my wife at midnight, and I hear frantic meowing at the door. It was him!

    The management company was in such disbelief, they waived the fee for us and he lived to be 12 years old. He passed away in my arms about 2 years ago. I’ll never forget him.