Like, I get comments from people telling me it’s weird I always try to peel potatoes like I am trying to make the worlds longest 1-piece potato peel. To me it feels way for efficient and fun to continu down a potato in 1 peel, while circling around it, instead of randomly scraping a hundred different pieces of peel off and having to reintroduce the cutter knife to the potato for every piece.
Given that the skin has up to 12 times the nutrients of the entire potato it covers I personally stopped peeling my potatoes in most situations. It also adds a great crispy texture when you’re roasting or frying. With that said, you do you when peeling. If it’s cathartic to peel it all in one piece go for it. Or you can cut the potato in half and simply use a knife to trim the skin off like a sweet potato.
That’s not true. For a potato, about half the total fiber is found in the skin. No other nutrients are drastically reduced.
Rather peel, peel is gross. I prefer simply boiled and salted, without skin.
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Hey OP, I haven’t read through the entire thread yet but I have a couple of suggestions. Fancy cocktails are a hobby of mine and a high quality peeler is essential for pulling thin, delicate strands of citrus zest for garnishes. The OXO Good Grips Y Peeler is a fairly popular one. With the added benefit of being able to replace the blades when they go dull. They also make a swivel peeler (the one in your picture) if you prefer that. My personal favorite is the Viski y peeler.
There’s also channel knives, they’re made to specifically cut continuous long, thin strips of citrus zest so you may find those pretty fun to use on your potatoes. With a little practice, you could probably peel an entire potato without stopping once. Like peelers you have a couple of options. The Triangle knives are good. You would use them in a similar way to Y-peelers. I’m not sure what the form factor for these are called but they’re used in a similar way to the peeler in your picture.
Lastly, if you’d like a very quick (efficient) way of peeling them, you could always use an apple peeler. I can guarantee those will peel anything quicker than you could do by hand. And they’re kinda fun to play with too
And a tip: pull the potato, not the peeler. Use your had with the peeler as leverage, but keep it still and use your hand with the potato to move it through the blade.
this is the quality dedicated response i’m looking for haha.
I’ve considered before getting something like the apple peeler, but my girlfriend was like no it’s just a gimmick we don’t really need it, it will just clutter up the kitchen or get forgotten about in a closet. Guess I know what I want for christmas!
Lol everyone’s got their thing! I’ve wanted an apple peeler for a while too but I don’t have much use for it. If you want something smaller and af a lower price point I really think you’d enjoy a channel knife. Once you get good with them you’ll be peeling entire potatoes in one shot
“most efficient” depends on what you’re maximizing for
Potato wastage?
Balance of all three?
It depends on what exactly you’re looking for in "efficiency’.
When most people peel potatoes they’re looking for a time efficiency.
In the one strip method there’s a lot of turning the potato going on. And a lot of careful precision. If you’ve been doing the one strip for enough time you might be close to the million strokes peeling being time effective but for most people…
To be honest I don’t really peel potatoes anymore The only dish I would peel them for would be scalloped.
to me what consumes time in the many scrapes method is the skin of the previous peeling stroke sort of being stuck in the peeler. Before continuing, needing to free the peeler again. I avoid it in the 1 long peel approach.
I don’t normally peel my potatoes, but when I do, I use the peeler like I’m whittling a piece of wood.
But peeling oranges…I do the same thing you try to do with potatoes: I try to get the peel off in one single long spiraling piece.
I’m in your camp on all 3 points
You can heat them, then rapidly cool them in cold water and the Peel will slip right off.
Might not be the most energy efficient way.
Boil them with the skin on and use the back of a small knife to easily remove the skin after. This is how we’d make mashed potatoes where I once worked.
Victorinox makes a very nice peeler
I rest one side of the potato on a cutting board and then work my way around it with a peeler (from top to bottom). Afterwards I do the edges separately. Takes about 15-20 seconds per potato.
Don’t. That is a thin skinned potato.
Pic isn’t mine. First search engine result of a potato with my favorite kind of peeler. I buy the same thin skinned potatoes tho :)
If I need to peel a potato, I go around the flat sides in a single motion and then 3 or 4 peels on each flat side to take the rest off. Mostly just keep the skin on.
If efficiency is the goal, spiral is good. If speed is the goal, rapid cuts are best. If both speed and efficiency are the goal, go mechanized.
I use a weed eater. Aka a string trimmer. It mostly just saws the potatoes in half unless I keep it moving. That’s what makes it efficient. The only inefficient part is meticulously placing thousands of potatoes on the floor with their non-peeled side facing up. I use my Spot robot for that, in the second garage. Spot lets me know when it’s time for another mass peeling.
I’d let Spot just carve the potatoes himself with a little paring knife but we all know where that goes. 🤨
Down votes? Apparently some do not appreciate your humor. I laughed.
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