“explain why I should be offended”… fixed the title for you.
Removed by mod
100% this. I live like 4 miles from wv and have spent My whole life traveling through and doing industrial contractor work through every part of that state. The only parts that aren’t absolutely trash are the places people can’t live. We should just exterminate it and turn it into a national park…mother fuckers from there can’t even drive once they cross the line, they are always the ones that are going 10mph under the speed limit because they are confused by roads that aren’t shit.
Had Mr sunshine on his goddamn shoulders ever visited wv he would have changed the lyrics… Ain’t nobody Wana go the the shithole that is wv
Well if you people would stop buying your Pepsis and Cosmo magazines then maybe you could afford a 2001 dodge neon … Dammit
Well no shit. Nobody wants to watch sex scenes with their parents, and when rent costs 3 used cars per month they don’t have a ton of choice.
Thank God you censored the word SHIT so we didn’t all need a group hug meeting .
What’s the problem here? That unit will do all your floppy disc needs until the end of time
Hahaha nice, what imagine creator do you use? I would consider paying for one that works decent but I’m worried Ill pay for something and find out that it censors everything.
Im very curious how that fella managed to melt his bucket and I assume they just have a baby crawling free in the garage based on the terrible little barrier in the doorway.
Well I assumed I’d get the downs syndrome dog but I couldn’t even get that far because our masters said so
Exactly, you wait until you feel it just starting to dissolve under your fingers and then try to pull it out fast and gentle. If you are in any way slightly wrong it’s gone
Mod for any website
Nope, I hat would be a reasonable reason considering reddit has the sense of humor of a nun in Iowa. I was told angerly by lump in a basement mod that it was 100% because of the word Guillotine. This was on r/antiwork so it was probably the dog walking gargoyle .
I got a permaban for posting a link to Trevor Moore’s song time for guillotines in response to a guy asking for song recommendations for some random mandatory work bullshit where they are force to chose a song to play… apparently the word “guillotine” is the reddit equivalent to running over a baby with a lawn mower. I had no warnings or anything on that account, just poof permaban.
“appeal” just means you are gonna waste time typing a message to a smelly incel dog walker on a power trip that isn’t gonna read it. Fuck that place.
Ya probably don’t Wana swim in the ocean with all that metal or you may end up in a real fishnet.
The Honeydew with Ryan Sickler, the Jason Ellis show, Behind the Bastards
Jesus Christ it’s not Anne Frank, stop burning it.