Should someone look into this?
Should someone look into this?
This is real right?
Can you give a little more info about this? I don’t know what it is. I have to Ender 3s at work and would love some kind of dashboard.
I rest one side of the potato on a cutting board and then work my way around it with a peeler (from top to bottom). Afterwards I do the edges separately. Takes about 15-20 seconds per potato.
Put together a fun party with friends
I think they mean what is something that happens on a daily basis so it could basically be considered a free space Like sitting in traffic on the way to work for me
Calibrate your reaction settings
It isn’t most people everywhere. Where I live I’d say about 30-40% have iPhones, about another 20% Samsung and Pixel, and the rest are brands like Xiaomi and One Plus. Personally, I love being able to just order a part or battery on Aliexpress and replace it myself or at an independent repair shop, and worst case paying a quarter of what an iphone costs just to replace the whole phone. Which is why I don’t totally understand people needing to buy specifically an iphone.
How are we forced to buy Apple products? Legitimately asking.
Goldeneye on N64
Sync for Lemmy
People never use toothpaste