“Recent hands-on experiments determined human feces cannot be made into frozen knives to dismember dogs” is the absolute most that a single sentence can be. The peak has been crested, literature can only stagnate from here.
This comes from a story Wade Davis told about an old Inuit hunter guy who killed a dog with a poop knife, skinned it, made a sled from its carcass and a harness from its hide and used another dog to ride into the sunset as a fuck you to his family who were trying to force him to retire.
The story has been thought to be bullshit by a lot of people. Wade Davis is a great writer though.
Wade got it from Peter Freuchen
Edit: Holy shit Wade Davis, from Wikipedia
In 1983, Davis first advanced his hypothesis that tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning could explain the existence of Haitian zombies.[10] This idea has been controversial and his 1985 follow-up book (The Serpent and the Rainbow) elaborating upon this claim has been criticized as containing scientific inaccuracies.[11] One is the suggestion Haitian witchdoctors can keep “zombies” in a state of pharmacologically induced trance for many years.[12] As part of his Haitian investigations, Davis commissioned the exhumation of a recently buried child.[13][14] (Dead human tissue is supposed to be a part of the “zombie powder” used by witchdoctors to produce zombies.) This has been criticized as a breach of ethics.[12][15]
Ya. When you’re reading psychedelic philosopher guys it’s best to keep in mind that they might be completely full of shit and total whack-jobs. Much like a good acid trip, believe half of what you hear and none of what you see.
Terrance McKenna is another one.
For sale, baby shoes, poop knives can’t dismember dogs.
*For sale: baby poop knives, can’t dismember dogs
*For sale: baby poop knives, can’t dismember dogs’ shoes.
I remember the 2018 Society for American Archaeology conference, everyone saw this paper title in the schedule and tried to go to the talk. Probably the most asked question that weekend besides “time for a beer?” was “did you see the poop knife talk?”
Why is it always poop knives?
A semen sword would be too taxing?
Many hands make light work
Band name. Called it!
Was this a common myth or something? There’s got to be a reason to test it
Some dude at the bar would not shut up about it and the scientist is not one to let some motherfucker just stand around being wrong.
So this is from 2019 - hasn’t technology moved on ?
They invented metal knives at some point. I don’t even think walmart sells poop knives anymore.
This is true. You must use a petrified coprolite.
I once bought a coprolite for my dad as a present. He studied it for a long time before asking what it was. That was fun.
Well there goes that movie idea tosses script
Is this Lemmys version of the poop knife?
You heard it here first, folks: on Lemmy, poop knife
cuts youdoesn’t cut anything apparently.
It wasn’t able to create puncture wounds, only pooper cuts.
Whereas I have been waiting to see that title to a paper for decades.
It’s about fucking time.
The real question is do they work as dildos? Or is everything I believe about an Alaskan pipeline just a myth??
Something about being brave enough comes to mind
or just gross enough
Were they solid loafs they made into knives or was it liquid?
Scientific progress in action.
I can’t stop laughing lmao
untrue. A guy cut off his arm with a knife of his own shit in the arctic.
I believe this is what they’re trying to prove/refute.