• ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Girlfriend was thinking about breaking up with me because of it. She never outright said it or threatened it but I could feel it yk? The worried comments were becoming more like requests. I’m lucky I wasn’t in too deep, addiction has just begun to settle in so breaking out was too difficult.

    She has admitted to me since that she did come very close to ending our relationship. Glad it didn’t come to that

  • Unrowley@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Which addiction?

    For Adderall, Vyvanse, Dabs, Alcohol, Benzodiazepines, and meth I went to rehab and learned why I used the dopamine inducing substances, to really get to the root of the problem. Honestly it’s been a world of difference and if anyone is struggling feel free to reach out. Childhood trauma is a bitch.

    For vaping I am currently using nicorette until I run out and then it’s cold turkey!

    For energy drinks I looked up how bad they were for the body and heart specifically every time I wanted one.

    The biggest thing for me that has helped is getting the idea in your head that you’re not currently “quitting” but instead you’ve already “quit”. It’s more of a finality of a statement and helps reinforce no relapse. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever go back in a moment of weakness, however. What’s important is to not turn a lapse of willpower into a total relapse.

  • 31415926535@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Was severe albeit functional alcoholic til age 40. AA never worked. What finally worked was harm reduction, moderation management. Medical marijuana became a thing, and just one hit of a pocket pipe of medical grade indica… good for hours. No longer needed to drink a case of beer each night.

    1st few years… I’d say, I’ll let myself have 8 beers this year. Next year was 6. Year after, 3. By then, triggered addiction cravings stopped happening.

    So weird, how overpowering the addiction felt when I was trapped in it.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I quit smoking via vaping. I started out vaping high nicotine and then gradually decreased the concentration until I was vaping nic-free and then not at all. I haven’t smoked OR vaped in the over 3 years since.

    I’m not sure it would have been possible for me without flavored vape juice, though: vaping a good flavor that’s very different from tobacco flavor helps by making real cigarettes taste absolutely awful in comparison. Like “the first cigarette you ever smoked” awful if not worse.

    Vaping tobacco flavor makes it much harder to not backslide since normal cigarettes won’t taste awful to you and will deliver not only more of a nicotine kick, but also several other addictive chemicals that aren’t in e-juice.

    In conclusion: banning flavored e-juice, which was already illegal for children to buy, will lead to thousands if not millions of people dying from tobacco related diseases because the most effective smoking cessation product was made much less effective for no good reason.

  • Truffle@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Stopped smoking cold turkey and it was hard as f*ck. Thirteen years ago and haven’t picked it back up yet.

      • Truffle@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        You got this! Yes, but in my case they came and went on waves. Certain places or activities triggered me more than others so I avoided them until I felt I could master it. It will get better!!

      • Truffle@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Good for you! That is a long time. Yes it happens to me too sometimes, but then again I just laugh because now I find it disgusting and the smell is awful but then there is that part of my mind that associates smoking with some pretty good times in my life, not because of the smoking per se, but the reminiscence and nostalgia of it all.

  • Mister Neon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Cold turkey. You make the time to quit “now” and not a later that never comes. It worked for cigarettes and fast food. From that point you live with yourself.

    Warning though for my advice. I care little for my own happiness, quiting those were not a pleasant experience. I did not strengthen my resolve to overcome weaknesses, in bouts of depression I discarded things that made me happy for my health.

  • NotJustForMe@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I quit alcohol, carbohydrates, weed, porn and tobacco two and a half years ago at age 42, a few weeks after breaking my clavicle in complicated ways, and while checking for additional damage, a fatty liver was identified.

    I never picked up alcohol, weed, porn and tobacco and reintegrated sugar in reasonable amounts, like at social events.

    I did it cold turkey. One day to the next. It was absolute hell for three days. I was sick, had a fever and malaria like sweats. Then it was a psychological shitshow for two weeks.

    I was overweight, so I fasted completely for six days to withstand any temptations. Only had salt and water / electrolytes. After six days I had eggs and sardines for two weeks or so. Didn’t poop for almost a month, even had a colonoscopy to check. Everything was fine. Just adapting.

    Then I did keto for a few months, found that to be too complicated, and then went carnivore with social-event exceptions, and never looked back. Keto was fine, but being a carnivore changed everything. All my little ailments went away. Skin issues, scalp issues, rashes, moodiness, sleepiness, urges and cravings, all of it.

    Lost 12 kg in those first two weeks, barely slept, but was energetic like hell, only skipped work when having the fever and sweats.

    Two weeks of hell, half a year of experiments and two years of a new life. It is like being 20 years younger. I haven’t been sick or ill since, either.

    Good luck to you.

  • A Wild Mimic appears!@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 year ago

    I never did, i replaced them often tho.

    Binge Eating, Cigarettes, Drinking, smoking pot… dropped all that tho when i got hooked on a cocktail of Tramadol, Hydromorphon, Lorazepam and Fentanyl through my doctors because of chronic pain. started abusing that stuff and had a few close calls. I tried quitting cold turkey but wasn’t strong enough.

    Forged a pact with my doctor, deposited my pain meds at his place and saw him 3 times per week for my next dose for over a year, but i couldn’t stop abusing my meds.

    Finally last year with the help of my therapist and a program for addicts transited over to suboxone.

    i’m still addicted, but it’s not self destructive anymore. When i’m feeling ready, i will slowly reduce my substitution over months, but even if i’m never ready for it, at least i do not damage my personal relations and my health anymore, i’ts just a pill in the morning to keep the cravings away.

    The important part was putting my addiction on the table. Addiction thrives on feelings of shame, and i went through a lot just to hide my vice from my partner. Putting it into the open enabled me to get help - first in therapy, then with my doctor, and then with my partner.

    Tl;dr: Get Therapy, start talking about your addiction to get rid of the shame, many addictions can be replaced with less damaging / health-neutral options if you’re not ready to leave your crutches behind yet.

  • ThoGot@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking

    For anyone who might want to stop smoking, just grab a used copy or download it somewhere

    • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Indeed. I was really skeptical but to my surprise, it really works! Maybe not on everyone but I suspect it does for a high proportion of people.