• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I quit smoking via vaping. I started out vaping high nicotine and then gradually decreased the concentration until I was vaping nic-free and then not at all. I haven’t smoked OR vaped in the over 3 years since.

    I’m not sure it would have been possible for me without flavored vape juice, though: vaping a good flavor that’s very different from tobacco flavor helps by making real cigarettes taste absolutely awful in comparison. Like “the first cigarette you ever smoked” awful if not worse.

    Vaping tobacco flavor makes it much harder to not backslide since normal cigarettes won’t taste awful to you and will deliver not only more of a nicotine kick, but also several other addictive chemicals that aren’t in e-juice.

    In conclusion: banning flavored e-juice, which was already illegal for children to buy, will lead to thousands if not millions of people dying from tobacco related diseases because the most effective smoking cessation product was made much less effective for no good reason.