For me it is always 3rd. Its almost like I’m an actor in my own dream. Few times I realize it, but then just wake up.
Wow this is so interesting. Always first person for me - maybe there were other times otherwise but I don’t remember. Wow I never imagined people would dream otherwise.
I shocked me when I read somewhere else that a lot of people don’t dream in color. What the hey?
I go back and forth within my dreams. Usually it’s first person, but sometimes I seem to be floating just above watching myself
Same; except I’m to the side, like another person watching.
A variably disassociated first person … sometimes like a third person that’s about to snap back to first any moment.
I’m not even in my dreams half the time. More often than not my dreams feel more like something I’m watching as opposed to something I’m in. Tho every now and again I’ll randomly be in the dream, and it’s usually 1st person. Otherwise… 3rd I guess?
My dreams sometimes seem like a well choreographed movie. happens both in 1st person and 3rd person at times and often I’m also aware it’s a dream.
Same, has only ever been first person
First person, and an interesting note. I was experimenting with lucid dreaming for awhile, with some very minor success. One thing that ALWAYS woke me up though, was doing something I had never done in real life. I was unable to breathe underwater. The mere attempt would wake me.
Then I got scuba certified in real life, and like magic, I was suddenly able to breathe underwater in my dreams.
It makes me wonder how you think about yourself in real life.
A mixture of both 1st and 3rd person when my mind decides to fashion me a body. When my mind forgets to give me a body and I’m just an orb, it’s always 1st person.
Always first-person. But my dreams are like movies with no special effects. There’s no fire, no gunshot, no blood, etc. It’s weird
Same, its rare for me
A little of both. I remember sometimes being surprised while dreaming because it’s suddenly shifted to 3rd person. Usually when that happens I’m no longer physically present in the dream, just watching it like a movie.
You mean like seeing the back of your head? I never understood how people can do that. I dream through the same eyes I see things with in the waking world.
I dream in 3rd person primarily and the sort of video game-ish angle you’re thinking of isn’t my experience. It’s more like watching a tv show of yourself with you as the main character. You are in control of your actions in the dream and accept that wholly as you but it’s like your veiw point changes like a series of fixed camera angles… But still seems fluid.
When you do that, does it involve a depiction of how you look from behind the back of your head (or from any other angle) that is true to how you look in the waking world, or are there differences? One thing that comes to mind is how people with DID say they dream, and I am intrigued to what’s going on.
I would say over the shoulder is a veiw point I know but the back of my head as in a video game veiwpoint is kind of a rarity. More of a side on situation is the norm but sometimes the focus can frame me out as well.
I would say that maybe my film career might be relevant because it has the conventions of camera work but it’s been that way since I was a child.
But my physicality is usually not “me” in the sense if what I see in the mirror every morning but a way more comfortable conception of me basically like you swapped a body type in a video game but things like skin, eye color and hair color are all basically the same… Most of the time anyway. I have definitely had some odd presentations of dream me.
So then you see yourself to a degree where you always notice what you’re wearing?
Definitely. For the most part head to foot.
Both actually. It’s really weird when I think about it
He dreams in third person.
I used to dream all the time when I was a kid (mostly in 3rd person from what I can recall), but for quite a few years now, I just don’t even feel like I dream at all. It’s not even that I don’t remember what the dreams were (when I dreamt before, I could tell when I had a dream, even if it was just a vague notion that I couldn’t recall), I just don’t even have a sense that any dreams are happening period. Not sure if it was from all the drug & alcohol use during my teen/early 20s, but sleep for me now is like time travel. It just happens and suddenly I wake up a few hours in the future, assuming I’m able to actually get a good amount of sleep.
I’m almost exactly the same way, except I never dreamed in my youth either. As far I’m concerned I don’t dream, and sleep is far and away the fastest way to pass time.
Mostly, but not always first person. But I’m not always the same person - my age and sex isn’t at all consistent in my dreams. I’ve been an old woman or a baby boy, and pretty much everything across those spectrums. In my dreams it’s completely unremarkable.
Same but when I was 13 I believe for some reason I was always a girl in my dreams. It just kept on happening until it just kinda stopped happening. I’m still wondering wtf was my brain doing then.