How to out monster the monster step one:
How to out monster the monster step one:
Agreed it’s honestly pretty sad how so many games are “multiplayer” when without any sort of public chat or communication or anything it might as well be single player with NPCs that tea bag you on occasion even then I’ve noticed that people have stopped tea bagging so you don’t even get that as a hint that there are people playing with you
Me when I find out I’m loosing my vision
That’s actually kinda my head cannon as to why the doctor in doctor who is so hands on when piloting the TARDIS a time machine that only travels through time is useless because you can’t affect history while floating out in space and it’s also dangerous if you happen to pop into existence inside a block of dirt the more I think about it doctor who is a pretty realistic depiction of what time travel will be like even with the TARDIS moving air out the way before landing instead of creating a shockwave from TARDIS molecules materializeing inside of atmosphere molecules
For me it was particularly easy as it’s only Chevy and Ford cars that still use the imperial system for nuts and bolts so I’ve been making use of the metric system for pretty much every car I’ve worked on and I never really understood ferinhight to start off with as I only really cared about is it going to snow temperature wise so why memorize a number for something your only going to check one time in the year now that I’ve gotten accustomed to Celsius I’m now paying attention to if it’s going to rain or not
Congratulations it’s a country
Wow turkiye I would have assumed he was American considering we are the ones that are all about guns
My citation is I’m making a sarcastic joke
As an American I don’t think America would want to bomb my country to oblivion /s Edit: did not realize I need a /s so much
With one paw I do absolutely nothing and the other I raise this kibble and eat
I’m not much of a harry potter fan but wasn’t that the whole point of being in hiding
Now that the queen is dead everything titan said is now completely true
Ok so let’s entertain the opposite of patriotism and talk about self distane what is going to drive you to fix the crumbling rotting foundation or leaky roof because who cares if this crummy house rots and collapses on me if you don’t care about your county then you won’t have the drive to maintain it sure some might but those people who don’t need motivation to do things are rare and far between if the world is hopeless then what hope is there of fixing it
I think we need more manderan oranges
I’m 19 dropped out of college and still living with parents. Right now I’m really planning on just saving up to move to Japan because everything in the US is taxed to high hell and our government is barely functional. I’m just fed up with everything so I’m just going to keep myself sane by studying Japanese and minimizing my expenses
There’s a lot of fantasy settings id like to live in but Warhammer is not one of them especially anything imperium related
While that is true I would counter point that humans have a bit of a handicap as earth got hit by a big astroid that killed just about everything on it making terran life have to start all over again but at the other hand I saw someone else on here mentioned that oil has given us a head start at space ferrang advancement and oil is made from dead life so granted I haven’t done much reacerch on how oil forms naturally but I do wonder if we would have oil if earth never got blown up but on top of all that there are theorys that mars used to have life so if astroids haven’t interfered with our solar system intelligent life may have formed faster and maybe twice also there used to be multiple species of humans in the past so maybe 4 or five times in the same solar system
In my sci Fi that I’ve been working on has this theory being true but I also play with asking what is the point of colonization. In my story humans have colonized mars to study the fossils and what life used to be like on Mars. However the people there after a few generations separate from earth. Earth doesn’t do anything about it because not only can mars use telescopes to see our ipbm years before it arrives and have that time to shoot our ipbm before it arrives but invasion will destroy the fossils we care about. And that’s all assuming history won’t just repeat itself. Eventually the mars colony expands until it breaks into different nations all fighting echother to become the first martin superpower. So everything that earth cares about gets destroyed by war anyway and earth is pointless to mars without life and water. Eventually the sun becomes so old that everyone feels the need to move their populations to another solar system. And only then de humans discover alien life. Only to discover that it’s currently 900 billion years beyond 2024 and aliens are just now figuring out radio waves and rockets and are more concerned about developing eugenics than discovering humans.
Someone correct me if I’m remembering this incorrectly but I do remember seeing a article explaining how we have discovered that plastic has been making men infertile due to the male body collecting micro plastics in the balls to the point that if not stopped in time the plastic will start killing sperms and making the man sterile Edit I think I found the video that informed me Upon searching I’ve found a lot of the sources claiming that there is a correlation between plastic count and sperm count seems to be coming from India which is odd but yet again if you want to study people surrounded by garbage India is the place to get a large sample size but I’ve also found some sources saying that plastic is more specifically affecting hormone production