I’m at a loss
Huh. Guess I’ve got some vision loss.
Oh. Oh God damnit.
So this is either something vulgar which I (a person experiencing colorblindness) cannot see, or, there are no shapes in those bubbles at all. I think it’s the latter since I can’t see shapes in either bubble.
Oh it’s that
i iI Ii I_
thing, which I never understood
Context: dude made an autobiographical comic more serious in tone than his usual work, and the Internet has been mocking him for it ever since.
None of which makes sense without the context of what a enormous jackass Buckley had famously been in online spaces for YEARS. It’s not just that loss was a weirdly serious addition to a silly comic, it’s that it perfectly encapsulated the kind of sanctimonious self-important attitude Buckley espoused and instantly turned his shitty online persona into a joke.
I don’t know if it is genuinely possible to still appreciate loss the way it was without all of the enormity of that context.
I think Cyanide and Happiness did a good job encapsulating your point and why everyone clowned on it at the time.
And as the image title implies, Tim actually said this.
This is just one example of the kind of shitbag Buckley was notorious for being
Never seen this one before. Thank you so very much.
It’s really surprising that something so obscure became a meme. What’s the first instance of the comic being represented with line segments like that? How did they come to be recognizable?
I want to hate this, but it’s actually a clever bit. Take my upvote.
Welp I just lost The Game. Thanks.
You’re loss
For those who want to see what at least protonopia might see:
And for those color blind people that might want a shifted perspective:
I hope op stubs his toe after stepping on a Lego.
Me when I find out I’m loosing my vision
Did it use to be tight?
it took me a minute
Oh my god… 0_0
I read ctrl,alt,del in like 2007 or so. Why is this suddenly popular again?!
It isn’t suddenly popular again. Loss memes have been continuously popular the whole time.
It must be me than. I hadn t seen it in ages before coming to lemmy.
Congratulations on not being terminally online!
No reason, just that memes follow demographics of the space. Lemmy is probably full of people who were in their late teens-through-twenties in 2007, so to that group, it remains a funny nostalgic callback.
And I’ll just predict that in 15-20 years Skibidi toilet and all the GenZ/Alpha memes will dominate middle-age spaces.
How would I know if I can see all the…? Oh. Well played.
The first one says 215 though